View Full Version : fungus

06-04-2007, 09:47 PM
When i look @ some of my fish, i see what i think is fungus. How could this be possible w/ all the water changes being performed? Where is it coming from and how does it form? I don't see it on all of them, just a few. I have been putting salt in the tank cause i still see some scratching going on. Any ideas? Should i treat the tank, separate, or what?

06-05-2007, 07:13 AM
fungus spores are all around, normally the fishes immune system will suppress them. If that is compromised by anything then fungus can get a hold. Usually fungus needs an opening, like an old wound or infection site, but its not essential.

Before resorting to longe term salt baths in the main tank and/or adding other meds try daily salt dips for a few days.

Salt dip:
2 or 3 tablespoons per gallon water. ANY salt so long as ther are no anti-clog additives. Iodised salt is safe, cooking salt is cheaper.

Mix in a clean bucket with water of the same temp or from the tank. Net fish and place into bucket. After 30 mins remove back to clean water, if the fish rolls before the 30 minutes is up then remove it straight away to clean water.

I normally give the tank a good clean through when doing this or put them into a newly setup tank, but not everyone has the tankage.

The dip can be repeated daily (even twice daily) if needed for as long as necessary (well easily 2 weeks).

It is typical to see the fish drop slime, I normally do a mini w/c an hour or so after to remove the slime if its visible.

06-05-2007, 03:00 PM
wow, thats alot of salt. I didn't think they could handle such an amount. Ok, i will see what is happening and if it gets worse, i will proceed. Thanks Paul :)

06-05-2007, 04:18 PM
Yes its a lot of salt, you can use more too. remember this is only for a very short duration, you must watch the discus throughout the process, if it rolls onto its side it needs to be removed back to clean water.

I am not a fan of long term salt baths for discus, ie having salt in the main tank.

06-06-2007, 04:59 PM
okay paul, here is a picture of just one of the fish. He is the worst. The others have it on the tail, but not as bad or bright. It is on the dorsal fin toward the tail, that white spot. Then he has it on the tail. Hope this is good enough. Please let me know.

06-06-2007, 11:59 PM
I don't see anything wrong with those.. Could be the pic or my eyes though?

06-07-2007, 08:20 AM
Eileen....On that tail, it looks like something my Blue Snakeskin gets on his tail...just up the water changes see if that helps!

06-07-2007, 02:58 PM
I don't see anything wrong with those.. Could be the pic or my eyes though?

Ok, u see the spots on the tail. That is not the pic, that is the spots i am referring to. Now, on the top fin there is another spot. The spot is a big white chunk just above the tail. That white chuck is also not the pic, its the fish. I wish i could draw i circle around it so u can see it.

06-07-2007, 03:01 PM
I see what you're talking about and I don't think it's anything to worry about. They are probably marks from the gang getting aggressive with each other...

06-07-2007, 05:32 PM
Doesn't look like much to me either, could be like G says and Marie says. Up the w/c's a little for now.

06-07-2007, 05:48 PM
Thanks everyone. Man, these fish r a trip. I already removed the log w/the plants, finding alot of food under it. The log was filling w/algea. I guess thats ok but i am gonna wait until they r older.