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View Full Version : Protecting Yourself from Virus Links

06-11-2007, 12:04 PM
Lately there have been several posts here containing links to suspicious websites. It has come to our attention that these links may actually be some sort of virus/malware/spyware. There have been several users across multiple forums who have seen links showing up in their posts even though they didn't post them.

From what I can tell, the people with this problem have infected computers that automatically insert a link into e-mails and forum posts without the user realizing it. The purpose of the link is to infect other users who click on it. A few of the forums that are having this problem said that members were clicking the links and then getting their account information stolen.

My suggestion to everyone is to please keep your anti-virus, spyware, and adware programs up-to-date and scan your computers routinely. If you see any of these posts on SimplyDiscus, please do not click the link. Send Al, myself, or one of the moderators a PM and let them know about the post so that we can delete it.

If you are seeing strange links showing up in your own posts, please be sure to download all the updated definition files for your anti-virus programs and scan your computer immediately. Your personal information could be at risk.

For suggestions on the different types of programs available to help protect your PC, you can visit our Useful Links & Downloads (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/forumdisplay.php?f=101) section.