View Full Version : My New 65gal with Discus from Kenny

06-15-2007, 03:11 PM
A few weeks ago I set up a new 65gal that is almost bb. Actually I decided to use pool filter sand as the substrate. I figure I get the best of both worlds; no planted tank to worry about during wc, and you don't get a completely empty tank look.

Just yesterday I received my order of Electric dreams and LSS(grade A) from Kenny. Since acclimating them, they have looked great and are super hungry, in fact I have the toughest time restraining myself not to overfeed them lol. The best part of the babies are that they eat right out of my hand :)

I thought I'd share pics of them (taken on day 1) and express my satisfaction with ordering from Kenny. There are 8 discus juvies in the tank now, but I will be adding 4 larger (3.5" - 4") juvies next week. That brings the total to 12 which already overstocks the tank.

I'm contemplating moving all 5 of my existing juvie discus from my planted tank over too, but would that be too crowded for the discus? I merely want to do this for now until the discus grows out and then move the larger ones back into the planted tank. Daily wc are not a problem for me and I could even add a second cannister filter.

http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/5173/picture032yp9.th.jpg (http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture032yp9.jpg)http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/4500/picture061cc5.th.jpg (http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture061cc5.jpg)http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/9781/picture056ia6.th.jpg (http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture056ia6.jpg)http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/9646/picture054au2.th.jpg (http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture054au2.jpg)http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/5048/picture053rr4.th.jpg (http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture053rr4.jpg)

Tropical Haven
06-15-2007, 04:21 PM
Very nice, congrats on your new additions.

06-15-2007, 04:30 PM
Beautiful babies! Good luck with them. I have two of Kenny's beautiful Electric Dreams since March and their gorgeous color brightens up my tank!

Darren's Discus
06-15-2007, 05:21 PM
Tank and fish look great,keep the food up to them and you will have some real beauties in no time !


Kenny's Discus
06-15-2007, 08:33 PM
David...they finally arrived after like a month delay lol.:D

I think consider they've just arrived they look pretty good. And you know what, I do recognize them cause I picked them out myself!;)

Enjoy your new fish David and remember to give them all kinda goodies and daily baths! Keep me updated my friend.:) Right now they looked a little pale but their color should come back after a couple days; "delay" shipping is quite stressful for our discus.:o:D

Scott, Debbi, Darren, truly thank you for all of your kind comments.:)
