View Full Version : Need Advice!!

06-20-2007, 07:00 AM
I have two ghost reds,I'm not sure if they are a pair or 2 female.They have laid eggs once before in their own tank but ended up with fungus on eggs,after a couple of days I removed eggs from tank as they were still fanning them.I put fish back in community tank 3 weeks ago,the past week the have both been cleaning cone and been defensive with the other discus continually fighting and so on.I have removed the aggressive ones into their own tank yesterday and tonight one of the reds are laying eggs and the other is eating them as soon as the eggs are laid.Anyway is this normal male female behaviour or would 2 female behave the same?? Any advice from you guys would be grateful.

06-20-2007, 07:37 AM
It is difficult to say if you have a pair or 2 females. Unfortunately I have seen males and females eat the eggs as they are laid. With all the disturbances(moving tanks and fish) it could have just upset them some. This sounds like a very new pair and sometimes they need to have a few goes before they get it right. This is the second time they laid(?) so I would expect them to lay again in 10 dyas or so. Good luck, patience is the key! :)

06-20-2007, 08:07 AM
Thanks for reply,I should also add the smaller one of the two has a large and very noticable vent and the larger one has a small bump.The larger one is very protective and aggressive towards others to the point of exhaustion at times.I will be patient and see how it all works out,my worry was should I have these two on their own for their own safety or should I ride it out as the larger one seems to be doing itself more harm than good?I have been reading through the forum gradually(only joined a couple of days ago) and I am gaining new info everyday so thanks!and I'll be patient.

06-20-2007, 11:36 AM
If you want a successful spawn then they will be better off in a tank on their own, around a 100litre tank with just a sponge filter and a heater, and something to spawn on, like a terracotta pot or similar. Sounds like a male and female btw.

And I'm forgetting my manners :o Welcome on board :)

06-20-2007, 02:25 PM
I agree with Paul and keep them in there own tank. It may take quite a few trys before they figure out what they are suppose do. Keep your tank temp at 82 and nothing fancy in it. Like Paul said a sponge filter, heater and a spawning cone (or whatever you want to use).

06-20-2007, 06:11 PM
Thanks for replies and I will put them in their own tank today as I have one thats cycled.