View Full Version : Good food for growing babies.

06-20-2007, 11:58 PM
Fish are about dime size right now. They are eating frozen daphina and frozen blood worms broken up and tetra bits ground up. Is there a flake food out there that someone would recommend for putting size and weight on young fish. Thanks,D.

06-21-2007, 07:06 AM
There many seafood flakes out there...Ocean nutrition has a good one, HbH brand as well...for both their seafood flake and discus flake..

if you want to add another really good frozen...try ocean nutrition formula one frzn....


Elite Aquaria
06-21-2007, 07:43 AM
I like to use Ocean Nutrition or Omega One Pellet food occationally...

If you want to add size to a young fish nothing beats Live CBW, BBS, FBW and home prepared frozen seafood mix.

Oh and of course daily 90% water changes...:D


06-21-2007, 09:00 AM
Thanks Al will try to find the ones you mentioned. Have never found a good,safe reliable place to buy life CBW or BW here, wish I could. Not popular at all in Ontario,Canada. Thanks guys for both your input,Derek.

06-22-2007, 12:15 AM
I buy and use beefheart flakes and earthworm flakes from Kensfish.com and my fry and juvies love it. The beefheart flakes crumble real easy and pretty thin so I usually only feed it to young fry but the earthworm flakes are heartier and my juvies to nuts for it. HTH

06-23-2007, 01:03 AM
Since you're in Ontario, you might want to check out: www.johnsfishfood.com

I *think* he sells the same food as kensfish.com -- I remember comparing the ingredients between some of the flakes and they were the same. I've tried his earthworm and brineshrimp flakes and my discus loved it.

I also like (or rather, my discus like) Angelsplus flakes: www.angelsplus.com. He's in NY but he ships over here.