View Full Version : Camallanus Help!

06-26-2007, 11:39 AM
I just posted a reply in the sticky "side effects of flubenzadole"
But other then the fact that because of that I lost so many fish I wanted to know if anyone has any experience treating this successfully and how>
Also if I can see the worms in some fish what is the chance that all my fish have it at one stage or another?

06-26-2007, 02:00 PM
Here's a link to a very good thread concerning treatment of Camallanus worms. Levamisole seems to be the med that worked.


Blue Ram
06-27-2007, 10:18 AM
I treated a 75 gal rainbow tank with levamisole for camallanus. Only lost one fish. It took all of the fish several days to return to normal as the dewormer knocked them right out. That was last fall. I would strongly recommend treating the entire tank.

06-27-2007, 10:47 PM
I lost nearly every fish up till now except the oto cats, 4 apistos(still heavily infected) and a few tetras. All my discus are gone. What I really need to know about these worms is if there is no fish in the tank will there still be the worms? How long will it take for the worms or eggs to die off before its safe to re-stock?

06-28-2007, 02:25 AM
Matty, it can take a while to clear a tank. Camallanus is more usually found in livebearers than cichlids, it propogates by releasing eggs into the water, these eggs will only last for a short time, a few hours, unless they are picked up by another fish. A few follow up treatments over two or three weeks should deal with it.

Sorry about your losses. I have used flubenol many times and never had an issue with it.