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View Full Version : Anything For A CBW!...and then there were none...

07-03-2007, 10:07 PM
I have not had cbw in a while ~ I just got these the other night ~ I spilled them in my car on my seat too! It was oh so gross! A discus has to be pretty ill not to eat one of these worms.....Even my group of three Rams love em too!:) My Purple Spotted Goby loves them as well.... They will get every single one no matter where they are...I love when they go completely flat....!

For once I decided to permit hiding in my tank so I scooted out the Bonsai plant so the BD can escape from Ms. P....but she went right behind there to get some cbw....but the BD kicked her out!

Very entertaining last 20 min!


07-03-2007, 11:47 PM
I am so happy your fish are doing so good Marie!!!! :D:D They look like they are really happy!!!!!!!! Wish we were able to be in sac in a couple weeks. Our Son is flying out saturday for Santa Ana.

07-03-2007, 11:52 PM
Thanks Guys! I so wish we were meeting in two weeks!:( I really thought you guys would make it....but I totally understand...this will be my first and last and only because it is in Sac!

They are doing well Angela....kicked that heat up to 92 and got some cbw...all is well for now ~

Do you see yours in there? He is so pretty:)

07-04-2007, 12:43 PM
LOL, I so love what discus do to get to the last worm :). Angela, you guys won't be able to make the ACA :(. I was so wanting to meet you guys in person :(. (you know it is 3 of yours that have claimed the 130 gallon, don't you? :o)


07-04-2007, 12:52 PM
Nope...they are not coming, Tina! How messed up is that one? I so wanted to meet BOB:) And Angela of course!

Tina did you read where Mike found out that we do not have to pay to just enter the ACA at the Hilton?....to view the fishies? One thing, I am certainly not getting is the awards banquet dinner....@ $42 a pop? Hell No!....

....would be nice though:(

07-04-2007, 05:38 PM
Nope...they are not coming, Tina! How messed up is that one? I so wanted to meet BOB:) And Angela of course!

Tina did you read where Mike found out that we do not have to pay to just enter the ACA at the Hilton?....to view the fishies? One thing, I am certainly not getting is the awards banquet dinner....@ $42 a pop? Hell No!....

....would be nice though:(

I didn't see that. The only thing with the banquet is there's a speaker during that too. Did you see the hours? 2 a.m.? No wonder you need a room!


07-04-2007, 06:46 PM
I looked and looked for hours on the ACA...what time it all starts to ending and I could not find any! Where did you find the hours?

07-04-2007, 07:03 PM
Here you go Marie, it's under schedule :)



07-04-2007, 07:58 PM
Thanks! I def want to hear Andrew:) And see all the fish ~ I set up a personal tour with Kenny for Amber, to his place and then to the warehouse:)

Should be fun!

White Worm
07-04-2007, 11:10 PM
Umm, when would this be? Is this exclusive or can anyone come along? I have not yet seen the warehouse.