View Full Version : Can white feces return into normal without meds?

07-06-2007, 10:36 PM
Can white feces return into normal without meds?, I mean in case that fish continues eating and keeping a very clean water in tank also keeping temp high enough so trying to raise fish inmune system, any experience about?

07-07-2007, 06:03 AM
Absolutely possible. If a fish is sick its like any other organism...its immune system can under many circumstances regain contol of the infection causing the white feces.

It depends on the basic cause of the problem though, just as in humans and other living things....some infections require intervention if they are beyond the ability of the immune system to fight.

Off colored feces means many many things...which is a good reason, IMO not to rush to conclusions and use meds.....Sometimes a simple diet change can help....you can try switching to exclusively blood worms and brine shrimp for several days for instance and see if that flushes out the system. That can be beneficial if the feces problem is from bad food, IME.


07-07-2007, 09:15 AM
you can try switching to exclusively blood worms and brine shrimp for several days for instance and see if that flushes out the system.

Interesting title of your thread ~ I was just wondering the same thing ~ I did what Al stated above, and kicked the heat up ~ and I have not seen any white feces, plus two are eating very well ~ All I fed for a week was worms, esp cbw ~

I never used my Metro either:)

I think that in my case it was stress related and shedding the stomach lining because of stress and not eating ~ IMO

Now they are back on all their foods and all is well, heat is going down slowly... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_29_107v.gif

....time will tell!

07-07-2007, 12:39 PM
Absolutely possible. If a fish is sick its like any other organism...its immune system can under many circumstances regain contol of the infection causing the white feces.

It depends on the basic cause of the problem though, just as in humans and other living things....some infections require intervention if they are beyond the ability of the immune system to fight.

Off colored feces means many many things...which is a good reason, IMO not to rush to conclusions and use meds.....Sometimes a simple diet change can help....you can try switching to exclusively blood worms and brine shrimp for several days for instance and see if that flushes out the system. That can be beneficial if the feces problem is from bad food, IME.


Thanks Al, when you say blood worms you are talking about frozen dried or live worms?

07-07-2007, 12:44 PM
Interesting title of your thread ~ I was just wondering the same thing ~ I did what Al stated above, and kicked the heat up ~ and I have not seen any white feces, plus two are eating very well ~ All I fed for a week was worms, esp cbw ~

I never used my Metro either:)

I think that in my case it was stress related and shedding the stomach lining because of stress and not eating ~ IMO

Now they are back on all their foods and all is well, heat is going down slowly... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_29_107v.gif

....time will tell!

I can tell you that I have seen white feces after large WC (over 30%) and a very deeping tank cleaning to take algaes out , so it is stress related in that case, I am thinking of suspend forever WC over 30 % of normal routines and do it only to remove agressive meds if needed

07-07-2007, 12:53 PM
He is most likely refering to frozen as that is what he feeds his :)

30% is not a large water change to me that is a normal WC. What are you feeding and how much? What are you water perimeters? A water change should not stress them to the point where they are having white poopy.

07-07-2007, 01:31 PM
He is most likely refering to frozen as that is what he feeds his :) yes thats what I was referring to...Thanks Frank.

07-07-2007, 01:51 PM
He is most likely refering to frozen as that is what he feeds his :)

30% is not a large water change to me that is a normal WC. What are you feeding and how much? What are you water perimeters? A water change should not stress them to the point where they are having white poopy.

I meant over 30 % , I have see them stressed after 70, 60 and even 50 % and associated with tank cleaning-hand inside,what I use is 24 hours aged tap water filtered with carbon and now added zeolite to see if I could get it so soften before use, ph 7.4 (8 after 24 hours) gh 11 kh 7

I feed 4-5 times a day since they are young 3-4 times dried food (tetra color, O.S.I RTB tiny bits) and once BHM ( beef heart, shrimp, spinach, vitamins, garlic)

07-07-2007, 02:05 PM
yes thats what I was referring to...Thanks Frank.

frozen dried blood worms better than frozen dried tubifex?