View Full Version : Help: 2 Fish losing balance and tail up and face down

07-12-2007, 05:52 AM
2 Fish losing balance and tail up and face down
Any one know what symptom is this and what are the suggestions?

Help thanks

Hans Kloss
07-12-2007, 06:59 PM
It is a sign of swim bladder disorder. It may occur due to mechanical shock, but more often it's a sign of internal bacterial infection or internal parasites activity. Sometimes it can pass after several days with no medication, but usually affected fish will die. Depending on reason of ilness, effective deworming and/or antibiotic medication may be helpful but chances are rather poor, sorry.

07-12-2007, 07:20 PM
1st things first have you checked all the water parameters and are they within the normal range.

Have you added any new fish or plants lately with out QT'ing them?

Catch one of the fish and lift the operculm and have a look at the gills...they should be a nice bright meat red colour, If they look pale and like they are covered in mucus then it maybe a fluke problem. If there are brown areas then it's bacterial.

If the water checks out the I'd look at QT'ing them and start with meds


White Worm
07-12-2007, 11:44 PM
Are they bloated or bulging in the mid-section?

07-13-2007, 04:09 AM
Are they bloated or bulging in the mid-section?
As the matter effect "YES".
What does it mean?

07-20-2007, 05:05 AM
I had this happen to me a couple of months ago and was able to recover the fish.

Start with epsom salts and if after 12 hours you don't see a resolution in the bloat, perform a waterchange with preheated water. The preheat is important in cases like this or so I'm told...

At this point, dose with aquarium salt and both Maracyn and Maracyn2 per package directions ( I believe it's a 3-4 day treatment course) to treat for bacterial infection in the gut. Following this perform a generous waterchange and wait...

It took about 4-5 days following treatment for my fish to recover completely, but improvement was noticed on day 2 of treatment.

07-20-2007, 04:35 PM
I aree with trying the epsom salts. I recently had one of my 2 year old red turqs show much bloating and she couldn't swim properly. Stayed up in the corner of the tank at the top, on her side! I was sure I was going to loose her she was looking so bad. Then I saw the size of her belly and put the epsom salts in. She was recovered the next day. I suspect she pigged out on an algae wafer, I had a different discus do this one other time. Then they blow up. Now I slip the wafers in between the plants after lights out! I swear that discus really don't know when to stop eating! Good luck with your fish. I know it's very upsetting!

07-20-2007, 05:22 PM
Kanamycin sulfate is good for internal infections too, but the 2 Maracyn's are easier to get your hands on quickly since all the LFSs carry it.