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View Full Version : White stuff on discus (fin rot) ???

07-21-2007, 08:32 PM
I bought 5 discus online and this is my fourth day with them. Two of my fish's eyes seem to be a little cloudy. Although Im very new with discus its hard for me to tell if there eyes are normal or not.

Also, one fish has a very small white spot on its back fin, the back fin itself seems to be a little frayed. My other fish's top fin is frayed and theres white stuff on the frayed area, also a little on the side of its body, and bottom fin as well! Is this fin rot? Should I buy one of those meds that treat a variety of diseases and treat the whole tank???

White Worm
07-21-2007, 09:44 PM
Sounds like shipping wear. Lots of clean water and keep an eye on them. Lights out and give them some time for R & R. Water quality is your first defense against newly shipped discus. Clean, clean and did I mention.........clean?

07-22-2007, 12:40 AM
I've been doing 40% water changes every day since I got them. I was just wondering if medication is the way to go.

07-22-2007, 07:06 AM
I would do as Mike suggests for now ~ did he mention clean water?:) Cloudy eye is often a symptom of poor water quality....or it could be other issues and the rest sound like ammonia burns ~ shipping stress.

50% wc a day ~ every day ~ esp if babies:)