View Full Version : Thier laying eggs

07-23-2007, 10:30 PM
I have 2 discus in a heavily planted 55gal tank that are now laying eggs on the glass. I originally had 4 discus but moved 2 to a BB tank becasue they were being beat up, and had hoped to return them to the 55 planted tank when they recover. Does this now mean I cant re-introduce to 2 smaller discus when they get better. Will the "pair" become even more agressive.


Tropical Haven
07-24-2007, 01:26 PM
Now that you know there is a pair I would do things in reverse now. Put the breeding pair in their own tank and place the other 2 back into the planted tank. Your breeders will always need their own tank and cannot be kept in a community tank or the eggs or fry will never survive.

07-24-2007, 02:45 PM
If your intent is to raise fry then I agree with Scott. However, you will very likely find that one of the two unmated ones will bully the other, possibly to death. People here tend to recommend a minimum of five discus to spread out the aggression. Unfortunately, imo five discus (or, preferrably, six) is overstocking a 55-gal. planted tank. This is the problem with 55 gal. planted tanks - they are, really, too small to support the minimum number of discus. Martha

07-24-2007, 11:15 PM
Hey thanks for the replies.... All the more reason for more, bigger tanks. woo hoo. The wife was really excited about the eggs, and so now I strike for the 125gal..

07-25-2007, 11:09 AM
...and so now I strike for the 125gal..

Now there's a plan! :D