View Full Version : How do you get them to eat?

07-25-2007, 10:33 AM
One of my new leopards seems to be on a hunger strike or something. I haven't noticed it eating for probably a week. Doesn't eat bits, frozen bloodworms or even cbw's. He just lets the food float on past him. He doesn't look or act sick really. Has good color, no clamping, no heavy breathing, no angled swimming/sitting, no facing the back, no hiding in a corner. He does stay off to one end by himself but will swim with the rest when he chooses. If any others come down to his end he chases them off. I tried dividing him off within the tank to see if it was a competition for food thing but he found his way back with the others, so I gave that up. The only change I can think of is he used to hang out with my golden snakeskin that died recently. Perhaps he's depressed? :)

Anyone have any ideas or tricks to get him to eat or should I not worry about it and he'll eat when he's ready? His belly is starting to look hollow now.

07-26-2007, 01:41 PM
You're likely to get a bunch of different responses, but what I would do here is put him in a hospital tank, temp about 86, salt the tank, and watch for a few days. If he continues to hunger strike, in light of what you are saying about his visible thinning, I would treat with metro for hex [raise temp to 92, cont to salt]. I've run into this situation and even not seeing stringy white poop, did this treatment and the fish came out of it eating and vibrant again....just my 2 cents.
Best regards

Tropical Haven
07-26-2007, 04:28 PM
I agree with Harriett to a point, the only thing that I would do differently is raise the temp to 90 for a day or two without meds and see if this will trigger the appetite. Would hate to see you treat if you don't have to.

07-26-2007, 05:23 PM
I would not use salt, nor would I treat at this time. A healthy discus will not starve itself to death. Double even treble check your water params are tip top and be watchful. If you can get a look at the gills check they are a good bright red colour and also check the eyes are clear and bright. If either are off then the fish is not healthy and that changes things.

I have found that by not feeding the entire tank for a day or two and doing good water changes seems to get them all feeding when food is finally introduced, I usually use FBW in these situations or red wrigglers, as we don't get CBW in the UK.

07-27-2007, 10:15 AM
Thanks guys. I got some slightly different responses from you all. The tank hasn't been fed since probably 8:30 last night. I will try just not feeding them for a day or so. Plus, the tank will probably be moved today to my new house so I will have the opportunity to do a nice big water change and make sure everything is wiped down properly. Hopefully that will perk them all up.

07-27-2007, 12:34 PM
If you are moving then they will most likely not eat until the following day cause of the move. I agree I would not use any meds until I am positive. Sometimes just turning up the water temp does wonders :) When you post again let us know what your watewr perimeters are including the temp. I had one in my tank that wouldn't eat and when I went to turn up the heater I found that it was not working LOL The discus I thought was getting sick just happen to be the first one to fell the effects. So if something is not right with the water he could be the first one to feel it.

07-27-2007, 01:18 PM
Raising the temp to 90F is a first thing I would do.
I also use black worms but if you can't try them the fbw are the next best. Try salt/meds if this did not do it. Healthy discus do not go on hunger strikes.