View Full Version : water toxic

07-27-2007, 01:30 AM
hi guys

i have been using the water that i aged and pre-heated to 29 degree overnight in the barrel, all discuses are happy with these water paramater (because they are bright and active and good apettite, what else can i ask for).

few days ago, i notice of my discuses in the community tank wanting to spawn, her genital is extended and starts rubbing against the side tank. so, i quickly move her and another male discus to a 12 gallons new tank (60cm x 30cm) . ok, the tragic starts from here.....

i am still using the same water source (as above), i put in an internal filter, this internal filter has been submerged in the dry-wet filter of my community tank, so, should be pretty good cycled, i put in a new heater, water temperature is always 28 to 29 degree. i also put in an egg cone for the obvious reason.

after about 2 hours, the female laid eggs, she did not lay on the egg cone, but all over the place on the bottom of the tank, the male never look after neither her nor the egg, ie, no fertilisation. but it is still ok, given that this her first batch of egg, assuming she doesnot know how take care of her eggs (she will learn).

tragic, tragic, tragic, when i returned from work in the next day evening, the male discus stuck in the corner of the tank and never move, the female stayed at the bottom of the tank also never move. all fins cramped.

i quickly removed them back to the community tank, once they are back to the community tank, they kind of struggle and lay flat on the gravells and never move.

the third day evening, when i came home from work, the male is already DEAD, the female is luck enough to survive with rotten fins.

question question question????? what the hack had happened???

the ultimate suspect killer is the new tank, but why? i tested the water ammonia, it only reached less than 0.5, not enough to kill my fish, because my other small tank also has 0.5 ammonia everyday before i do a daily water change.

another thing i think of is that, would it be some toxic come out of those silicone that joins all pieces of glasses to form the tank?

other than these 2 suspects, i cannot think of any other things. it is sad that i lost this 10cm pure leapord skin male discus whom i had kept for more than 12 months. it actually breed with another female 3 times and successful.

could you have a look into my case above and throw me some light. much appreciate.


Tropical Haven
07-27-2007, 08:53 AM
My guess on this would be that the filter on that new tank wasn't fully cycled. The reason I am saying this is because if it was and the water parameters were the same from the other tank something like this wouldn't have happened so quickly. Sounds like something in the water parameters where really high or even a big fluctuation in PH.

07-27-2007, 09:31 AM
12 g of tank for 2 adult discus is kind of small. Small water volume makes it very hard to control the water parms. I'm not sure how much water you replace when doing the water changes on the 12 g tank. I would say it may not be enough even with the daily WC. You may need to to multi WCs with such a small tank and two full grown adults in there.

I'm just guessing here.

07-27-2007, 09:59 AM
I tend to agree with the above assessments. The filter you moved into the new smaller tank did not have sufficient beneficial bacteria built up to deal with the wastes of 2 big fish in a too small tank. I'm sorry for your loss. Next time go with a 20 or 29 gallon tank for your breeders and monitor water quality closely until you know that the filter is keeping up.

07-27-2007, 02:23 PM
I read somewhere that people was able to keep the breeders in 10+ g tank but they were doing multiple massive (over 90%) water changes per day in order to control the water quality. In that case, the filter is not really important. All they have was a sponge with air pump.

I would go with bigger tank, easier for you and the fish.

Don Trinko
07-27-2007, 04:42 PM
Angel fish breeders( at least the one I know) use 10g and 20h with a seperater.( for 2 pair)
One of the discus breeders I know uses 20 and 29g. Breeders can do things that most of us can't because the fish get constant attention. Don T.