View Full Version : So near yet so far !

07-30-2007, 03:52 AM
I've a good news & a bad news. Good one first ~ my turqs. are laying eggs :)

The bad one is that the male is eating them as soon as the female lays :(

This is the first time these discus are laying eggs. Currently I've got 8 fish in a 75 gal. tank wherein I have at least two set pairs of turq. The PBs are not yet showing this behaviour. WC 25 % daily.

My questions are :
1. Is this behaviour common ? Will things get to normal after some time ?
2. Is it OK if I seperate the pairs in a tank of 2ft. height ? or shall I reduce the level to 18"?
3. Is it OK if I keep the beeding pairs on the lower level of the rack (about 6" from ground)?
4. Any feeding changes ? I feed 3x daily - 2x heart mix & 1x tetrabits.

07-30-2007, 06:55 AM
1. Not common, but not unusual either. That discus eating the eggs is definately not interested in the female for reproduction at this stage. Sometimes overanxious females will lay even if the potential mates are not bonded properly with her. As they mature things quite often improve.
2. No problem
3. I've had discus spawn ok that low, even raise young, but they breed better up high imo.
4. sounds ok

Tropical Haven
07-30-2007, 08:51 AM
Sounds like you are doing things just fine, it will be a matter of time whether your male is compatible with the female or not.

07-30-2007, 09:02 AM
Hey Deep! Good for you:) Kenny keeps all of his breeding tanks up high ~ at the top ~ I had to get on a step to see the pair and the babies ~ at least of all the times I have been there, I have never seen tanks, any lower ~

Good Luck!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

07-31-2007, 12:35 AM
Thanks everybody for your replies :) It is because of your guidance that I've reached here.

Marie, I thought so but the problem is that mine are two level racks. The Discus are already sitting on the top level :( I usually kept all my other fish on the top & the breeding pairs & fry on the lower level. I did'nt anticipate this problem with Discus though.

07-31-2007, 08:15 AM
I cant help you on your "breeding" questions, but congrats on them spawning and good luck on getting past the egg eating! I do know that it can take them a few trys to get it right so perhaps they just need some time! :)

07-31-2007, 12:29 PM
With time they should come around and not eat the eggs. Some don't ever grow out of it though. We have breeders tanks that are on a lower level of a rack system and they do fine for us. Make sure your fish fill comfortable in the tanks on the bottom. Keep a light on so that you don't spoke them walking around because at that level there view out the tank is different than if they were up high.

08-01-2007, 12:10 AM
Thanks, yes I think moving the pairs now to lower position might spook them. Because they are accostumed to a higher viewing angle & the lower angle might frighten them. Also one of my rack is in the living room ! The other is in my bedroom. Maybe should I try the lower rack in the bedroom ?

08-08-2007, 08:17 PM
I have an old red dragon (6yrs) that has courted many a different female, and has always eaten the eggs! some poeple have said that possibly (he) was a female. I have added other males and they have bonded to the females that the RD was eating the eggs and they had normal spawns.

- Tom