View Full Version : Should you medicate a QT for new fish?

07-30-2007, 01:01 PM
Should I treat a QT tank with aquarium salt and/or any anti-bacterial meds such as melafix and pimafix when I buy new fish even if they show no signs of disease, kinda like a preventative?

07-30-2007, 01:18 PM
I would throw in some salt to help calm the fish and help it adjust to the new surrondings.

As long as you bought it from a "good" source you should not have to do anything but watch it for signs of a problem.

I also recommend putting another fish from your regular tank in the QT a week before you plan to release the purchase into your regular tank just to test things out.

07-30-2007, 04:33 PM
Bill has the right idea. The salt is a gentle way to make sure the "newbie" has at least had some form of preventive care before going into the main tank.

I add salt on about every 2nd or third water change just to make sure of nothing going wrong.

My amounts of water changes are at the minimum of approx. 25-75 % every other day after wiping out the entire interior of the tanks.

Just my way of doing things is all.
