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View Full Version : FBW from China at Wallmart

07-31-2007, 02:24 AM
I got some FBW out of Wallmart.They are made in China.Anybody else ever used them?My fish seems not to be intrested much.

07-31-2007, 08:11 AM
Must be just the Canadian Walmarts? My Walmart certainly does not have the capabilities to sell frozen foods. Not sure I'd buy from them anyways tho. Perhaps your Walmarts are better tho? I've never been to Canada.


07-31-2007, 12:29 PM
Sorry, but I wouldn't buy ANYTHING for my fish at a Wal Mart!

I tend to either make my BH (per Carol's recipe on here) or buy my fish food from someone like Pet smart or whom ever that is a KNOWN good product like Hikari for my frozen BW.

Just my spin is all.

07-31-2007, 12:45 PM
Must be just the Canadian Walmarts? My Walmart certainly does not have the capabilities to sell frozen foods. Not sure I'd buy from them anyways tho. Perhaps your Walmarts are better tho? I've never been to Canada.


About time you paid us a visit.

07-31-2007, 01:48 PM
to my knowledge all Blood Worm comes from China -

Don Trinko
07-31-2007, 06:41 PM
I have used 2 different brands of FBW. Let each melt in a glass of water and see the difference. My fish prefer Hikari. I'm sure Bill is correct abought China but the proccessing makes a big difference.
Don T.

07-31-2007, 07:09 PM
Hikari might be the 'best' frozen bloodworms, but they are terrible compared to live ones. (live ones glow they are sooo red) I culture my own live bloodworms and i trust them, but most bloodworms are grown in putrid conditions and are not ideal fish foods imo. I'd stick to beef heart/prawn and dry foods and give them a treat with earthworms or frozen brineshrimp or mysis or other non freshwater aquatic animals a few times a week. Once you have tried live bloodworms, it is easy to see why your discus are turning thier noses up at the frozen form.


07-31-2007, 08:09 PM
ok...ill bite rod..how does one culture live bloodworms. yuk....i thought flys create maggots..we dont have midge fly larvae here..i dont think in canada....
id still stick to hikari..they are triple sterilized. i wouldnt trust just any bloodworms. well ive also heard frozen bloodworms is like the fish eating at mcdonalds..daily.

07-31-2007, 10:21 PM
ok...ill bite rod..how does one culture live bloodworms. yuk....i thought flys create maggots..we dont have midge fly larvae here..i dont think in canada....
id still stick to hikari..they are triple sterilized. i wouldnt trust just any bloodworms. well ive also heard frozen bloodworms is like the fish eating at mcdonalds..daily.

Its very easy April, setup a container with ro water outdoors. Place in a position that does not attract mosquito larvae and wait a few days. When you see the mud huts that the larvae build then you can start harvesting. The midge will lay where mosquito's do as well( heavy vegetation and sediment) , but they are then incredibly difficult to harvest.

I'm fairly certain midge have a world wide distribution, at least where it is warm enough anyway. Maybe they don't occur in canada, don't know. But most who see my bloodworms are initially shocked that it is even possible. I discovered them years ago in my dogs water trough, after some experiments i learned how to encourge them in other containers.

Frozen bloodworms and macca's....great analogy!! :D


07-31-2007, 10:29 PM
"Place in a position that does not attract mosquito larvae and wait a few days. "

That's almost impossible in my area these days.

Plus, what happen to the worms that do not get eaten? Do they become flys? I don't want to see flys in my house.

07-31-2007, 10:45 PM
"Place in a position that does not attract mosquito larvae and wait a few days. "

That's almost impossible in my area these days.

Plus, what happen to the worms that do not get eaten? Do they become flys? I don't want to see flys in my house.

Good questions, midge flies are already common here and they don't have a tendency to visit indoors like regular flies. Midge flies don't spread disease or annoy like mozzies and regular flies that i am aware of. Stop thinking of normal flies, they are nothing like them, nor are the maggotts (larvae) of midge.

It is not immpossible to stop mozzies, you just need an understanding of the lifecycle and manipulate the enviroment from there.

Rod :)

07-31-2007, 10:46 PM
Its very easy April, setup a container with ro water outdoors. Place in a position that does not attract mosquito larvae and wait a few days. When you see the mud huts that the larvae build then you can start harvesting. The midge will lay where mosquito's do as well( heavy vegetation and sediment) , but they are then incredibly difficult to harvest.

I'm fairly certain midge have a world wide distribution, at least where it is warm enough anyway. Maybe they don't occur in canada, don't know. But most who see my bloodworms are initially shocked that it is even possible. I discovered them years ago in my dogs water trough, after some experiments i learned how to encourge them in other containers.

Frozen bloodworms and macca's....great analogy!! :D

He,He I went through the same discovery when I was forced to set up a small pond for a year old 21" channel catfish and two 12" Oscars a couple of years ago. In no time there were hundreds of cocoons with the little super red worms inside, at the time I did not know what they were so I disposed of them. Had I harvest them I would of gotten thousands after a sometime and they were easy to catch too. As I started adding small sized fish they dissapeared:D and happy very beautiful cichlids remained
So I guess you are right it most be world wide. But I don't know what lays them I only saw mosquitoes and the occasional dragonfly near the water

07-31-2007, 11:02 PM
Nevermind Rod, found some info on midge flies. They resemble small mosquitoes with fuzzy antennae on males. We definitely have that, funny I've never heard of them before. Info seems to be about the dengue carrying mosquito only

08-01-2007, 08:31 AM
About time you paid us a visit.

I would love to! We almost did a Vancouver trip when we lived in Wa state.. and if we ever get up that way again.. I will definitely make sure and take advantage of the fact and go! I hear its quite nice!


08-01-2007, 08:31 AM
ok...ill bite rod..how does one culture live bloodworms. yuk....i thought flys create maggots..we dont have midge fly larvae here..i dont think in canada....
id still stick to hikari..they are triple sterilized. i wouldnt trust just any bloodworms. well ive also heard frozen bloodworms is like the fish eating at mcdonalds..daily.

Well.. I've got them living in my pond filter... lol I wonder if I can use those?

08-01-2007, 12:27 PM
we have them here April, I saw some in the backyard at Dunbar.

Although its almost impossible nowadays I try not to buy anything made in China.

08-01-2007, 08:44 PM
you did jason? yuk...lol. you shouldve collected them..and showed me. now get back here and show me. lol.

08-02-2007, 12:57 PM
ok...ill bite rod..how does one culture live bloodworms. yuk....i thought flys create maggots..we dont have midge fly larvae here..i dont think in canada....
id still stick to hikari..they are triple sterilized. i wouldnt trust just any bloodworms. well ive also heard frozen bloodworms is like the fish eating at mcdonalds..daily.

We do have them in Canada at least in Ontario. I've seen them in my pond but have not been able to harvest them. The pond is too big.

08-03-2007, 06:55 AM
now get back here and show me. lol.

Did he? LOL!