View Full Version : Bloat!!!!

08-02-2007, 01:05 PM
Hey I have a 1.5 in discus that has been bloated for about a week now. I have been adding 3 tbs of salt per 10 gal after every wc for about a week now and he has still not passed all of it. Is there any other meds that I could use?

08-02-2007, 01:08 PM
Rodney.. aquarium salt or epsom salt? Reg aquarium salt will not work, you need to use epsoms.

BTW.. it does not sound like bloat. IME they dont last a week. They die in 24hrs if they cannot pass it.

Sounds more like perhaps bacteria? What are your water parameters? W/C routine? Is it the only fish in the tank? Any others exhibiting symptoms? All fish swimming/eating/poo ok?


08-02-2007, 05:51 PM
I have been using epsom salt. Wc 50% daily. He is in a 55 gal with 9 others and is the only one bloated. Everybody is swimming and eating and pooping just fine.

08-02-2007, 09:57 PM
Have you seen him poop any? Is he eating okay? What does the front of his stomach look like? Is it pinched off?

it's possible that he has intestinal worms too.

check out the threads on prazi and metro that are stickied.

08-03-2007, 04:11 PM
Rodney, if it still has a "bloated" stomach I would begin to think its either a blockage due to worms or to some possible baacterial infection. At this time I would isolate it. If you choose to treat it then a broad spectrum antibiotic may be appropriate like furan2. I am sorry but the prognosis does not seem good.