View Full Version : Is it bacteria or parasite symptom?

08-05-2007, 01:12 AM
Hi all,

This is my first thread on the forum and I would prefer write in it just good news, but it isn't possible now. Sorry about that...
However I would appreciate very much a little help in this situation.
I have some discus tanks with more o less one hundred discus.
One month ago I began to have a problem that I never had before.
Fishes from three diferent tanks appeared with cloudy eyes, very dark body and their bodies were looks like flaking.
As I never had this disease problem I went to a local Fish shop and reading the packing I discovered it was bacteria disease (I supose).
I lost 15 fishes, they were sick and died one or two days later or they jumped out the tank and died.
Beside my hygienic care, the disease spreads to 6 tanks.
After this terrible storm I think the problem is finishing.
Some fishes are completely better, other fishes are better but keep a diferent symptom. They have some quakes at their ventral, anal and dorsal fins, and some times they ram against the glasses, filters, etc.
This symptom looks like parasite disease, but I can't see anything in their bodies that represent parasite disease, like white points.
I threated the fishes using Azoo Bacter Threater and now I'm using Melafix, but I'm not sure if I have the same disease now that I had before or it is another disease that the fishes took because their immunities were little.
Does anybody help please?
What kind of symptom is it?
Is it a bacteria or parasite symptom, both?
What can I do to eliminate definily this disease?
Thank you in advanced.

Don Trinko
08-05-2007, 11:10 AM
I can't answer your question but if you have aproximately 100 discus It would be usefull to know how many in what size tank and how often and what amount of water you change.
Cloudy eye can be from dirty water. Have you tested for amonia,nitrites and nitrates? Don T.

08-05-2007, 11:26 AM
Hi Alex,
Welcome to SimplyDiscus:)

Best guess as to whats going.... It sounds like you have a parasite problem... I'm guessing that the "bacterial" problem you treated was secondary....caused by the parasites....and now what you are seeing is the result of the parasites irritating the fish.

If you have a lab near you, it'd be good to have a fish looked at, or if you have access to a microscope, most parasites are easy enough to see...... If not, I'd try using a broad spectrum external antiparasitic, Formalin +malachite green are a good start....you could alternately try using some like "clout" from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.....if you have access to it.


08-06-2007, 10:08 AM
I don't want to hijack this thread or anything, but I wanted to mention that some of mine have that same "quaking" symptom. I assumed it was something irritating them (like parasites). But I've done QuickCure on them a couple times already and it doesn't seem to make any difference. I just wondered if you (Al) thought using Clout would be better or would it not really make a difference? Maybe this is just something they will have to live with.

I just wanted to throw that out there in hopes of helping myself of course :D and hopefully the original poster as well.

08-06-2007, 01:26 PM
Don T.
I didn't write anything about water conditions (sorry about that) because I suppose it's under control, as PH 6.2, no Nitrate, Hardness less than 20, condutivity 80/100. Temperature 86/90 deppending the tank. I'm using RO mixed with TAP water. The only problem I think it is sometimes I lose the balance betwen W/C and good bacterias colony, and the tank water becomes cloudy :(. I will write about it in another thread.

I'm also thinking it is parasite symptom, but I'm afraid of changing the medicines and the fishes become worst. One alternative would be use both medicines (against parasites and against bacterias) but I never used them at the same time.
I will suspend the Azoo Bacter Treater and will use a Parasiticide to kill the parasites and Melafix to help the fins recover and I will keep the salt.
About the lab near my house, I think there are two, but unhapply I don't have access to them.
I liked what you told about the problem has beginning firstly with parasites and after becomes bacteria. I never thought of your sequence.

I don't believe it is "normal", because this "quaking" symptom began after the disease infestation (or at the same time). Maybe the time of medicines use is the reason of your fishes keep "quaking". Also, in my case I see some pectoral fins and tail hurt. Check carefully if you have the same problem.

Thank you everybody, best wishes and best regards for now.