View Full Version : water issues: I am confused!!!!!

08-06-2007, 09:39 AM
Hello everyone,
I am confused as I am currently having unusual water params. I am getting 0 nitrites but 0.25 of ammonia, temp is 84, ph is 6.6 and nitrates 10. I have been doing daily 40% WC because when I came back from vacation, my ph had crashed (however my discus had spawned). I am wondering "could I be getting false ammonia readings?" I thought that you could not have ammonia without nitrites but I could be wrong. Is my tank recycling all over again?:confused::confused: I hope not as I would not have a clue what to do in that case. I have an 80 gallon with 5 sub adults in it as well as ABNs and sterbai cories. I need your help!!!! I have even added Bio Spira but so far, no significant changes.....

Thanks for your feedback

PS: BTW< I am using an Eheim pro 3 2076 and 1 sponge filter.

08-06-2007, 10:20 AM
First off, don't panic. Your fish are obviously fine since they have spawned. Adding Bio-Spira was a good step. Keep up on the water changes and continue to watch your tank closely. Most likely you will see the NH4 drop soon. btw at your pH you have ammonium, not ammonia, ammonium is much less harmful than NH3. You are doing everything correctly, just keep up the good work.

08-06-2007, 09:00 PM
See, Sophie? How are they today?:)

08-06-2007, 09:06 PM
Hi there,:wave:
Well, hello!!!! France was great but very expensive....:mad: (Paris and the Cote d'Azur where my parents live), and the fish were doing pretty well on my return. Now I still have 0.25 of ammonium (since my ph is 6.6) and I can't seem to get rid of it. I will add ammonia chips in an aquaclear and see if that helps!
How have you been?????


08-07-2007, 12:49 AM
I am great! I can just see France as you mentioned it:) That .25 is minimal and lots of fresh water should get that in check, Sophie ~ keep an eye on it though!

So you had a good time did you? Your parents are there? Hell, that'd be it for me, I'd be gone, woman ~ move right there!!

Glad you are back!

Marie ~ :balloon:

08-07-2007, 09:58 AM
Hey Sophie,
You can skip the ammo chips, you don't need them. With a pH of 6.6 your ammonia levels would have to be much higher before causing any problems. The lower the pH, the more ammonia is in the form of ammonium which is much less toxic than ammonia. Your biofilter was compromised when the pH crashed and will need a little time to catch up again.


08-07-2007, 12:53 PM
Hi Marie, hi Kacey,
Thanks for your help! I still have SO much to learn!!!!!!!!
BTW, I did use the ammonia chips and I had a 0 reading this AM but I am still feeding very little and watching my water. Important question for you: should I clean my canister filter????????


PS: Marie: I really miss France (and the food) but right now, it's just not possible to move back...Maybe one day. I'd like that!!!!:):)

08-07-2007, 06:30 PM
The lower the pH, the more ammonia is in the form of ammonium which is much less toxic than ammonia.

This statement is very informative, Kacey:).....so tell me this: If your pH shoots up....then you can pretty much be assured you have an ammonia spike?