View Full Version : Why Discus?

08-06-2007, 08:25 PM
So, i've been into the whole Piranha scene for quite some time now. Currently my 65 Gal is home to a rather rare wild caught peruvian piranha. I've put him up for sale and i am looking to transfer to Discus!

Currently my tank is 65g standard, Rena XP3 and AC 110 filter, with peat moss to give it the more natural amazonian biotopic look. Planted with several vals, dwarf hairgrass, crypts, etc. Tank full cycled been set up for several months. Everything tank and equipment wise is PERFECT for discus i'm sure. If there is anything i need to change let me know!

Another question beyond equipment is why should i choose discus over other fish? Are they constantly swimming? personable? Obviously they are beautiful dont need to tell me that! They can have tankmates which is a plus, as my piranha eats anything i put in there :) I just really want everyones opinions as to why i should invest in discus over osme other fish

Tropical Haven
08-06-2007, 09:00 PM
There isn't a right or wrong answer to why someone wants discus. Some want them for their beauty, some for their shape, some for the temperment and some for the challenge of raising them. There are numerous reasons people want discus. A 65 gallon tank is a nice size to house discus, you could put 6 to 7 comfortably in there.

08-06-2007, 10:41 PM
I love them for the challenge and beauty. And their social behavior is quite interesting. They do engage with me...especially at feeding time! And not everyone has them!!!! Something different especially if you have collected/developed quality stock.

08-07-2007, 01:21 AM
Yeah, I too love them for the challenge and beauty :) I think its a special fish for special people :rolleyes:

08-07-2007, 05:43 AM
I think the more important question here is... What made you consider putting discus in that tank? What would you like to get out of your tank?

For me... I'm far too biased to tell you why you should go with discus...I caught the Discus bugs many years ago...once afflicted... there no cure...That fish just has that affect on some people.:)


Don Trinko
08-07-2007, 07:54 AM
They are beautiful and they have a personality. As fish go they are more inteligent than most. That's the plus.
The minus is they can be picky eaters, they require frequent water changes, many are imported and can come with diseases and they are expensive.
IF you decide on discus do a lot of reading FIRST and buy from a reliable source. Don T.

08-07-2007, 10:22 AM
Well my piranha is pretty boring right now. The most common thing for people to come into my room is to say 'cool fish tank, why is it empty?' He doesnt move, he doesnt have a personality. Nothing. I want a tank that has multiple amounts of fish that will move around, have personality, and be entertaining.

The 'king of the aquarium' title, whether true or not, is also cool to me. I'm sure that keeping the tank in pristine condition will have to become more important to me, as piranhas are pretty tough the massive amounts of water changes dont matter. Just really really interested in these beauties!!!!

Sidenote, should i take the peat moss out of my filter? I heard it was good for discus as well? (Water is tinged brown)

Tropical Haven
08-07-2007, 10:37 AM
Peat moss is fine to leave in there, if your considering discus and don't want to commit to the time that it takes to keep your discus healthy, then I probably wouldn't consider getting them because it does take more of your time to keep them happy.

Don Trinko
08-07-2007, 12:56 PM
With discus the additional care is MANDETORY! Not optional. It realy isn't that much work but it is required for the health of the fish. If you buy near adult fish the WC routire is less but still much more than the pirana. Angel fish are nice also. They require more care than the pirana but not as much as the discus. I enjoy my discus but it is more work. (mostly water changes). Don T.

08-07-2007, 03:01 PM
One could describe them as certainly beautiful because of all the different color strains and variations, but they are sort of a "gracious", "elegant" type of fish too, they slowly glide through the water, not rapid movers and perhaps not the "entertaining" fish you seek. Before you invest in a different type of fish, maybe check some of the more active fish out....malawi's, mbunda's, angels, even loaches. A large group of loaches can be very entertaining! Discus don't do a lot of swimming compared to other cichlids. And when you sit in front of the tank to watch them, they will stare back at you waiting for food. WIth mine, I actually have to sit away from the tank to be able to observe their natural behavior in the tank. Otherwise, we're into a staring match while they try to convince me they are starving to death! Just my opinion, search out some other varieties of fish that are active and entertaining before you decide. Discus are considered "King of the Aquarium", but they are quiet, graceful, peaceful fish.

White Worm
08-07-2007, 03:08 PM
Otherwise, we're into a staring match while they try to convince me they are starving to death! .

Lol, exactly.

08-07-2007, 08:00 PM
WIth mine, I actually have to sit away from the tank to be able to observe their natural behavior in the tank. Otherwise, we're into a staring match while they try to convince me they are starving to death!

That is so true, Deb! Well put!

baby blue
08-07-2007, 10:06 PM
The majority of fish i'm breeding at the present is Discus. Besides, i have many active fish in other tanks for entertainment some time when discus get so silent and shy for me.
What made me fall in love with discus? Their beauty and shape. The grown up one, when reaching 6-7 inches, look so much like a disc, so round and so cute. Maybe there's no fish in this world you can find that round shape like Kind of Aquarium. And what interests me more is Discus in the Wild. A school of fish swimming in the river, sliding through plants must be a spectacular sight to see. From what i learn, these guys have a high sense of community. This is recognizable when Discus live in large group, it's surely another fascination.