View Full Version : advice needed about QT

08-10-2007, 05:58 PM

I will be receiving 4 three inches discus next Tuesday and would like to know if I should treat my fish for any ailments. I have always , in the past, treated my QT with metro and then a dewormer. But is it reallly a necessity? They will be in QT for 6 weeks. What do you think?



08-10-2007, 06:15 PM
You'll get lots of varied answers on this one probably. But I don't think I'd treat with anything unless you see signs of something. That's what the QT period is for, observation. But of course it's entirely up to you and the peace of mind it would provide. However, I would say if you're questioning your past methods you might be thinking it's not necessary either. :)

08-10-2007, 06:37 PM
Sophie, I'm pretty much in agreement with Karen on this. Observe and react IF anything suggests it needs treatment. Only proviso is if they are wild caught or from a suspect source - but why would anyone buy from a suspect source????