View Full Version : Is it possible?

08-14-2007, 06:35 AM
What are the chances of buying 2 adult discus and having them pair up? Is that possible? I want to buy 2 large discus but i want a pair.
What if i buy 4 young adults around 3-4 inches? Is it possible for them to pair up?

08-14-2007, 07:34 AM
People sells pairs all the time...just do your research and buy only from reputable sources ....and remember 2 adult discus that get along together are a "pair" of discus in numbers but not necessarily in breeding.. There are sellers that will sell two adults as a breeding pair...but have never bred them.

as for the juvies....yes its possible, but your chances are better with a group of 6-8 fish and they will get along better.


08-14-2007, 07:46 AM
People sells pairs all the time...just do your research and buy only from reputable sources ....and remember 2 adult discus that get along together are a "pair" of discus in numbers but not necessarily in breeding.. There are sellers that will sell two adults as a breeding pair...but have never bred them.

as for the juvies....yes its possible, but your chances are better with a group of 6-8 fish and they will get along better.


I know that they sell adult breeding pairs, but they are really expensive.

If i buy 2 non adult breeding pairs, is there a chance they will pair up?

I bought 10 1 inch juvies 2 days ago, how many pairs would i get off them? 2 or 3?

08-14-2007, 09:34 AM
It's hard to say how many pairs you will get. Sometimes you may only get 1 male out of the group so you have to use him with 3 different females. You could possibly get 3 pairs though. You are better off buying a group and wait for them to mature. Even if you buy a breeding pair from someone doesn't guarantee they will breed for you.

08-14-2007, 09:50 AM
It's hard to say how many pairs you will get. Sometimes you may only get 1 male out of the group so you have to use him with 3 different females. You could possibly get 3 pairs though. You are better off buying a group and wait for them to mature. Even if you buy a breeding pair from someone doesn't guarantee they will breed for you.

Thank you. I'll stick with my 10 juveniles and raise them to pair off :)

Elite Aquaria
08-14-2007, 10:22 AM
With 10 fish I think you should expect at least 2 pairs...However, I bought 10 fish last year and ended up with 5 pairs...:D


08-14-2007, 10:24 AM
With 10 fish I think you should expect at least 2 pairs...However, I bought 10 fish last year and ended up with 5 pairs...:D


hahahha lucky you! I want a time travel machine and travel a year ahead. I can't wait until i can breed them.

08-14-2007, 10:25 AM
With 10 fish I think you should expect at least 2 pairs...However, I bought 10 fish last year and ended up with 5 pairs...:D

Dan Lol Dan, I bought 10 mellons at 3" AND ended up 10 females:(


Elite Aquaria
08-14-2007, 10:26 AM
Yea I was very lucky...Remember not many people are going to sell you a good breeding pair unless they have new ones that are taking their place.


08-14-2007, 10:29 AM
Lol Dan, I bought 10 mellons at 3" AND ended up 10 females:(


I hope this doesn't happen to me. 10 females is the worst that can happen. Especially since some discus are lesbians, after they pair up, and lay eggs, then you get your hopes up, and then you find out they are both female. I would rather have 10 males.

I might be getting 8 more larger ones for my empty 100 gallon.

One question:
When i got my 1 inch juvies 3 days ago, i put them in the 100 gallon and they looked scared since it was huge for them. So i moved them into a 15 gallon tank. (for now) I want to upgrade them to a bigger tank soon, a 44 gallon, but when can i do that? Then when they get bigger ill put them with the discus im going to buy soon in the 100 gallon.

Elite Aquaria
08-14-2007, 10:32 AM
Lol Dan, I bought 10 mellons at 3" AND ended up 10 females:(


That is because you got greedy and picked all the red ones...:D


08-14-2007, 10:35 AM
Out of my 5 fish, I ended up with 2 pairs. They haven't raised fry yet, but the females have laid eggs and I've verified the males by their tubes. The chances of that are slim, especially considering I kept the largest of 10 fish and thought I'd have all males. So you never know, I guess. If you raise out 10 juvies you're sure to get a surprise or two come breeding age. :)

08-14-2007, 10:38 AM
I'm thinking of buying 6-8 new discus, what is the maximum size i can buy and raise for them to start pairing up?

Elite Aquaria
08-14-2007, 10:40 AM
Size is not the important factor here. Depending on the strain discus begin to breed between 9-16 months.


08-14-2007, 10:45 AM
Size is not the important factor here. Depending on the strain discus begin to breed between 9-16 months.


Sorry i dont think you understood me,

Do you know when people say you need to get 6-8 juveniles and raise them to get a pair? What is the maximum size can i get? In Inches please, i still didn't get used to the age part yet. lol

08-14-2007, 10:49 AM
What is the maximum size can i get? In Inches please, i still didn't get used to the age part yet. lol 5-7" adults:)

The idea with the numbers is to maximize the odds you will have some male and females.:) nature does the rest.


08-14-2007, 10:54 AM
5-7" adults:)

The idea with the numbers is to maximize the odds you will have some male and females.:) nature does the rest.


Oh, so you dont have to buy 6-8 2inch juvies to end up with pairs. So if i go out and buy 6 5inch adults they will still pair up?

08-14-2007, 10:55 AM
You don't have to raise out juveniles in order to get a pair. You can buy large adults and they will pair off if they are happy with your water quality and your tank. I think it's just cheaper to buy 6 - 8 juvies than to buy 6 - 8 adults, which is why most people go for the juvies.

08-14-2007, 10:59 AM
I might get 3-4 inches because i still want to raise them. I dont want 2 inch ones, because i don't want to raise that much lol.

Thank you everyone for your help. :D