View Full Version : Releasing Butterflies

08-16-2007, 08:42 AM
My church group holds service at a member's house due to the fact that her husband has "terminal" cancer (Hes doing much better than they said he would though!) And Christa (who's house we go to) is "The Butterfly Lady" She is an amazing woman, one of those people who the moment you meet them you think "I can learn so much from this person!" I love being at her house.

Anyways.. she has tons of butterflies and caterpillars in her yard that she raises then releases. The butterflies that fly around her yard land on you constantly! lol

Well she gave us some fennel with a black swallowtail caterpillar and some eggs. She also gave us a chrysalis and it hatched this morning! My daughters were just thrilled to death! So I thought I would share with you all, cause you know I took pictures ;)

So here is the caterpillar (the host plants are dill, fennel and parsley):

And for those that have never seen it.. There is a special defence mechanism for these caterpillars. When they are touched, they stick out these orange horns that emitt a stinky smell and they try to stab you with them:

The butterfly:

After I moved her to my butterfly bush:

And this one is for you Andrew!! :D, Tasha.. she just turned 7!:

08-16-2007, 08:51 AM
They're beautiful, Amber. Great shots. I'd just as soon that last `butterfly' didn't land on me though! :D

08-16-2007, 08:56 AM
They're beautiful, Amber. Great shots. I'd just as soon that last `butterfly' didn't land on me though! :D

lol.. yeah.. shes 50 pounds of tongue!!! ;)

08-16-2007, 09:23 AM
lol.. yeah.. shes 50 pounds of tongue!!! ;)

.....or like Raja....50lbs of FUR!:D

08-17-2007, 12:52 AM
Those are beautiful photos Amber!!!:)