View Full Version : Hello all

08-21-2007, 06:16 AM
Just thought i`d say hello and show you a my new babies. I`ve been a Fishaholic for many years but just 2 months ago got my first Discus. They`ve grown very fast and are sooooo pretty. My photography is crappy but here they are. I`m hoping to get a Marlboro or 2 soon to finish my Discus family.http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid225/p6a2c3f0899d042946fcc96288d3e7558/e827b153.jpg

My tanks are :
125 loaches,cories,tetras, Gold Barbs
55 Severum,Blood Parrot,2 Bumble bee Cats
55 ,cories,2 Touquoise Discus
55 Saum 4"
29 Platy juvis
29 2 Blacklace Angels
29 Cories
10 Female Betta
10 Female Betta
10 gal Q tank 3Lyretail Pastel Guppies and fry

08-21-2007, 07:09 AM
You have ten tanks, Mary? Wow! But...you only have two discus? Gots to get more!:) I think you said you were getting a few more.....they are schooling fish and do better in groups of 6 or more depending on your size tank~

Don't forget to QT the new ones ~ for at least 6 weeks ~ don't just add them to your existing stock ~ could be disastrous:(

And more pictures too!!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_5_2.gif

08-21-2007, 07:42 AM
My LFS is going to call when he get`s some Marlboros in. Being retired I can only get 2 Discus at a time unless my platy and guppy juvis are big enough to swap with my LFS for Discus credit.:D Most of my hobby was dedicated to Loaches and I only had to nerve a month ago to try Discus. I hope to have 5 total whn finished buying them. Oh and everything that goes in my tanks,plants included, are quarantined.;)

Tropical Haven
08-21-2007, 08:53 AM
Welcome to the forum Mary, glad to see that you have a great start on some tanks! :D

08-21-2007, 11:55 AM
Welcome to the forum Mary, glad to see that you have a great start on some tanks! :D

Start??? Glad my hubbie doesn`t read the forums.lol I sold off my fishroom goodies a couple years ago ( all but 6 tanks ) and couldn`t stand it. I have a couple empties that i`m keeping just for spares. Nope no more tank for me,i`m gettin too old for "toomanytanks" :D

08-25-2007, 07:13 PM
Welcome Mary!


08-25-2007, 10:24 PM
Welcome aboard Mary...looks like you have a couple nice turqs to start your discus collection!!!

Darren's Discus
08-25-2007, 10:46 PM
Hi Mary,
welcome to simply,i'm shure we will sqeeze in alot more discus in your 10 tanks !!!!
