View Full Version : Discus and Clown Loaches? att: crazy.eddie

08-22-2007, 07:14 AM
I noticed in crazie.eddie `s signature that he has Clown Loaches and Discus together. I was told the Clowns antics would stress the Discus. Could I safely put my Discus in the 125 with my Clowns???

08-22-2007, 09:37 AM
I noticed in crazie.eddie `s signature that he has Clown Loaches and Discus together. I was told the Clowns antics would stress the Discus. Could I safely put my Discus in the 125 with my Clowns???

Yes, you can.

08-22-2007, 11:30 AM
I was told the Clowns antics would stress the Discus.

It shold be, the Clowns antics MAY stress the Discus. In other words keep an eye on them. Do a search on them here and you'll get plenty of info and member's experience with them..

08-22-2007, 12:27 PM
I`d like to know if others keep them together and what type of current they have for Loaches and Discus in the same tank. How do they get along? My largest loach is about 7 1/2" and like a bull in a china shop. at her night feeding and early in the morning.

08-22-2007, 02:19 PM
Mary, there are a bunch of us who keep clowns and other botias/loaches with our discus and have for years. I have a 180g with discus, 6-7 clowns, a couple of pakistani loaches, a giant yo-yo...2 blueberry loaches..I have plenty of driftwood in the tank for the loaches to hide in and there has been 100% peace between them and the discus. Occasionally the clowns play tag but the discus seem to have a 'ok, they're a little nuts today--ignore them and they'll go away' policy.
If you search on this topic, you will find LOTS of posts on the viability of the combination.
Best regards

08-22-2007, 05:06 PM
I have 6 clown loaches in with 6 discus and various other fish in a 125 gallon. There is no interaction between the discus and clown loaches at all. I think those having problems are also those that are trying to mix these fish in smaller tanks. btw my clown loaches are about 6' TL and my discus are adults. When they were first put into the tank the discus were sub-adults and the clown loaches were about 3".

08-22-2007, 05:15 PM
I have kept clowns with discus for many years, only ever had one incident and even then I'm not convinced! I really like discus tanks with clowns in (and vice versa) clowns are great!

White Worm
08-22-2007, 07:11 PM
I dont think "antics" bother discus like some would think anyway. My sterbai swim around like maniacs sometimes all over the tank in their little group and the discus pay them no mind.

08-22-2007, 07:39 PM
Awesome, now i`ve got some planning to do. Gotta move some tetras and Barbs. Anyone wants some gold barbs?:)
Thanks bunches everyone, now I can get more Discus.