View Full Version : I have Camallanus! Well, my fish do.

08-27-2007, 03:52 PM

I had a few angels about 1.5 months ago that had red worms that were sticking out of their exit holes. They were at max 4 millimeters out, never more. But they would go in and out.

Those two angels were quarantined and given regular internal parasite medication. Didn't help, the worms stayed.

Now one of my marlboro reds has two 4mm red strands sticking out his behind that go in and out every now and then. He is eating very well.

Is it possible these aren't camallanus worms? I don't have the large 1/4-1/3 inch worm coming out the back end. So is it possible it's just a capillary or something from his intestines? Let me know if you need pictures.

Oh, and does anyone have any levamisole I could buy from them? I have about 140 gallons of tank space.


08-27-2007, 03:55 PM
There is a way to get rid of it. I think it is Levamisole and is in sheep and pig dewormer. I'll search for a link on the directions. If you have access to a "feed mill" or a place that sell farm supplies you can get it

Here's a similar post:


Here's another on dosing:



08-29-2007, 12:43 PM
Pics may help...

This is worth reading too!

08-29-2007, 01:34 PM
Thanks guys,

I read through everything and also looked around the simplydiscus forums and on google. I couldn't find levamisole nearby so i'm going to go with panacur. Just ordered some from jehmco. I think I'm going to mix it in with tetrabits and feed all my fish. I just saw another of my angelfish with the same red worms sticking out.

I'll keep you all posted.

09-12-2007, 06:28 PM
So I got the fenbendazole from jehmco. they were really helpful.

I did 3 days of treatment with the fendbendazole, i mixed it in with tetrabits and water, and then put a little knox gelatin for it to set and fed it to the fish in bite sized chunks. Did this for 4 days, and the little worms are still sticking out. I didn't feed anything else to them during the 4 days either. Weird, most people got results by now.

Ordered some levamisole powder from a livestock website. it should be here tomorrow. Gonna dose the whole tank, because now some of my african cichlids have the little red worms too. And they were all getting treated food too. This is seriously a scary little parasite.


01-21-2008, 06:09 PM
How did this situation turn out for you, Ray? Did the levamisole work?