View Full Version : What IS THIS?? It Was ON Me!

08-31-2007, 12:23 AM
This creature was just crawling up my leg just now! I had just walked Raja outside and it must have.......ugh! I shudder to think:mad:

I do not do well with things crawling on me! lol! So I brushed this "feeling" off my leg while I was sitting here and it FLEW up and landed on my desk! When one feels the thing they brushed off....that has bad written all over it!

It is big. And things that fly and crawl.....umm....Hell No!

It is now contained ~ as you see:) Perhaps I have a fish that is hungry?:D

08-31-2007, 06:05 AM
Its a Bee Assassin Bug.


08-31-2007, 09:39 AM
Thanks, Amber...you forgot a smiley:(.....and an "an omg, that is gross Marie!"....thingy:(

08-31-2007, 09:40 AM
It is still under this tupperware glass!

08-31-2007, 03:23 PM
Assasin bugs are great for the garden, they eat all sorts of nasty bugs. Push a piece of paper under the glass, trapping it inside, carry it outdoors and set the cup down on the paper, kick it over and release it! That way you don't have to touch it if you don't want to. I hate spiders, really really scared of them!!! Found a huge wolf spider behind an old piano, thought I'd be sick!!!

08-31-2007, 03:37 PM
hey, I found the bug on a website, both Amber and I were wrong! Its a Western Conifer Seed Bug. Check the Fourth entry on the page. http://www.whatsthatbug.com/true_bugs_2.html

09-01-2007, 09:35 AM
Deb! What a great bug site, woman! I have been looking around it for 10 min! Did you see the bugs that were perwinkle?? They are beautiful, Deb, although not to the poor people who are dealing with them, I am sure!

I think my bug was the one on the orange....yeah? I did...I released him just now:D Lil Sucker still alive too!

I can not just squash something and hear the crunch....he is too big!

09-01-2007, 10:05 AM
Thanks, Amber...you forgot a smiley:(.....and an "an omg, that is gross Marie!"....thingy:(

....but I understand.

09-01-2007, 01:00 PM
At first glance I thought it was a kissing bug. looks like they're all part of the same genus. this one should gross you out even more.


09-01-2007, 02:28 PM
ok thats it..im not going to california..yuk...i think i will avoid that bug site..too creepy for me..kissing bugs...other gross bugs including maries new friend..yuk..keep them down there marie..i had a wolf spider under my puter yesterday morning..and that was pretty scary for me..i said i would never sleep here again..lol. but i was forced to...sprayed the whole places around the baseboards and cracks so hopefully he will think twice about coming back here.

09-02-2007, 09:13 AM
At first glance I thought it was a kissing bug. looks like they're all part of the same genus. this one should gross you out even more.


I swear I just saw one of these Reid! I swear, the other day...it was on my bathroom floor ~ at first I thought it was a cockroach....?

"which is caused by a one-celled organism carried by 40 percent of the bugs in some areas of southern California."

Not my area! Hell No!

ugh ugh ugh!!!!

ok thats it..im not going to california..yuk...i think i will avoid that bug site..too creepy for me..kissing bugs...other gross bugs including maries new friend..yuk..keep them down there marie..i had a wolf spider under my puter yesterday morning..and that was pretty scary for me..i said i would never sleep here again..lol. but i was forced to...sprayed the whole places around the baseboards and cracks so hopefully he will think twice about coming back here.

You crack me up April!! I will send you my new friend:D They say that we would be surprised what crawls on us while we sleep!!
