View Full Version : interesting article by jack wattley

09-02-2007, 03:36 PM
just thought some might be interested in an article that jack has in the fish hobby mag.this month he did an article about a friend that travels back and forth from his home in florida to his northern home every year and brings his discus with him.he also keeps 15 to 17 adult discus in a 54 gal tank and breeds a pair in a 6 gal tank.just thought it was really amazing how does it all .

09-02-2007, 08:21 PM
I thought the article interesting as well but dodgy. I can't really figure out why it was published, to tell you the truth. Perhaps experienced discus keepers would find it interesting but many who read the journal are not experienced discus keepers. Are they suggesting that discus can be kept by the general population under these conditions? I was a bit suspicious with the owner's explanation for why he kept the discus - both the group of adults and the mated pair - in such crowded conditions: no room for a larger tank! Hmmm. I could have found room for a 29 gal. in the photo alone! Jack called those fish Blue Diamonds? If those are BD, I need to repeat last term's ID 101 at Discus University! Martha