View Full Version : UV + Eheim PRO III output reduction????

09-04-2007, 04:12 PM
Hello all,

Sorry if I always write when there is a problem!!! Right now, my Eheim Pro III 2076 which I was SO fond of is giving me problems.
The output is down to 1 on a scale of 1 to 8. Even if I bump it manually, it automatically goes back down to 1. This filter is only 3 months old and I don't understand why it did not do this before. I called Eheim and I was told that my UV sterilizer hooked up on the flowbar side is the culprit. But then, why did it work fine for more than 90 days????? I don't get it!!! The guy told me:"if I were you, I would get rid of the UV because a higher flowrate is more important to your discus than the UV. Right now, they are not getting enough oxygen." I have 2 airpumps in my tanks but I have noticed that my discus are a bit lethargic. So what do you think? :confused::confused: Are there any type of UVs that are hooked up a different way???????


09-04-2007, 04:58 PM
Hi Sophie,

Don't know a lot about this particular model of Eheim, but I suspect there is a pressure sensor in there somewhere. Can you try it without the UV to see if it goes back to full flow?

Also have you checked the flow path through the filter and made sure that it is clear, no debris etc blocking an outlet or inlet pipe. Check the internal filter floss or pads to make sure they are not clogged up.

It is better to have the filter running optimaly imo than to compromise it with a UV, but I syuspect its a blockage elsehwere rather than the UV - oh and check the flow through the UV is free too!

09-04-2007, 05:00 PM
Hi Sophie,
If your UV's design flow rate is matched to the typical flow rate of your Eheim, there will be very little restriction caused by the UV.
Have you done the basic checks as would be suggested by the manufacturer if you have a flow problem?
First thing to do is check for any kinks in your suction or delivery hoses.
Then manually check the flow rate. The 2076 has an upper flow rate of 1650 litres per hour or approx 430 gallons per hour. Place a small bucket with volume increment marks under the outlet and measure the number of seconds it takes to fill a certain volume (say 1 gallon) then convert it to the hourly amount.
If your actual flow rate is where it should be, then you might have a problem with the eheim indicators.
If your actual flow rate is too low then I'd disconnect the UV and manually check the flow rate again. THis will quickly tell you if the UV is the problem.

09-04-2007, 05:52 PM
Hi guys,
I am going to try what you mentioned. First, I think that the hose connecting the UV is really dirty, so I am gonna clean it, then see if that helps. Then, I am going to remove the UV completely and see what happens. I just cleaned the whole filter and it's sparkling clean!
I still would like to have a UV and I believe that the one I have is way too slow for this filter anyway....So, we shall see.
The worst part is....I am doing all this when I am supposed to REST my back (I have a arthritis in my sacroiliac joint and am on Darvocet for the pain, it hurts pretty badly:mad::mad:). I am being a really BAD girl playing fish doctor when I did not go teaching today!!!!! Anyway, thanks again!
