View Full Version : Headstander - contagious?

09-14-2007, 04:08 PM
Hey all. I know that the etiology is not well known, but i was wondering on your experience if heastanding is likely to infect other fish. here's my dilemma. 12 new fish ~3 1/2", BT and RTs. have been in quarantine for ~5wks. treated 2 weeks ago with fenbendazole as i had found eggs of capillaria in feces. treated the food with 22% granules at 0.2ml per cube of food. (i cant remember the math on that dose but i calculated based on info from simply) only did one treatment. 2 days later had one headstander, which resolved within 36hrs, had a bloat 2 weeks later - resolved (with some massage), now in the 3rd week have another headstander - different fish. found it this am was fine last night. is going completely upside down in loops, but pretty calm so far. fed flake food overnight and had the tank light off. have been doing WC at 20% twice daily with water conditioner. same water used on young fry are fine. added 1 cup sea salt/75g this am with WC. by mid day the fish looks better, but still pointing. temp constant @ 29.7C, nitrates 0, but noticed the air stone had been almost off.
Is it risky to take ANY of these fish out of QT and put in my main tank? where to proceed from here. thanks!

and oh yeah ... the capillaria is gone.

09-14-2007, 04:16 PM
Hi doc,

Not contagious and theres a good likely hood its a side effect of the fenbendazole... it often passes on its own..but can take a while.

I and others have noticed it sometimes happens with both fenbendazole and its analogues..like flubendazole.

A little info here...


09-15-2007, 12:18 AM
well, good news. the headstander is better 12hrs later. kep the light off, added salt and did a water change. not sure if it ate yet or not, but it can swim normally now. :D