View Full Version : questions about fry and mother relations

09-17-2007, 12:45 AM
Hi, I finally manage to have fry that's a week old(exactly one week since free swimming as of today). Both parents and the fry were moved to a 10 gallon tank when the fry first became free swimming a week ago. But the father immediately started to eat the fry after the move so he was moved back to the big tank. He did manage to chow down 95% of the fry, I thought he was picking them up and cleaning them and spit them in a clutch like he did back in the big tank, but I thought wrong.:angry:

The mom(red turk) had never signal the fry to feed, nor did she turn dark. It took about three days for all the fry to start feeding on the mom. And they're all follow the mom around and take a break to congregate near the heater from time to time. I have about 10 fry left all with full bellies.

my question is:
1. Should I feed the mother? I'm worried that she'll get too hungry and start to hunt the fry down. Every now and then she will jerk a bit like she's irritated.

2. When should I start BBS? I've been feeding the tank BBS 3 times and day(since day 1) and observe no fry eating it. I do 50% WC every night to remove the dead bbs on the floor of the tank.

3. Should I keep the lights on 24/7? I haven't turn it off in a week.

Some pics:
Mother and fryhttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m294/soundtweakers/fryandmom.jpgsame pic close uphttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m294/soundtweakers/fryandmomcloseup.jpgDoes the fry look like one week old fry to you?

thanks in advance

Elite Aquaria
09-17-2007, 01:43 AM

Why did you move the parents and fry to a 10 gallon tank?

Next time leave them in the breeding tank. I like to feed the BBS on day 5...only feed a little until they start to eat it. Never over feed dead BBS will foul the water so yes do a water change. Make sure the water temp and parameters match the tank water. I leave a night light on the fry 24/7.

Good luck

09-17-2007, 11:23 AM
all of my discus lives in a community tank, I had no plan to breed them because I thought it's not going to happen for a discus newbie like me(I've only kept them for a year). This is the pair's fourth spawn, and also my first attempt to save the babies.

I do have a 20 gallon running, but it's been used as a soaking tank for my driftwood and there is a "hunter" living in it(adult angel).

I had no choice but to put them in a ten gallon tank that I use to grow moss and a few cherry shrimps. So far the shrimps are the ones getting picked on(by the mom as well as the fry).

I refill the breeding tank with water from my main tank(55 gallon with a UV unit).


09-17-2007, 04:22 PM
I feed the parents lightly throughout the spawning process on FBW's and TetraBits. I also keep doing daily WC's.
BBS rare started on day three. Just enough to let them see what they are untill you see some orange bellies which indicate they are eating the BBS, then gradually increase the amount you feed.
Same as Dan, keep a nightlight near the tank.


Elite Aquaria
09-17-2007, 04:47 PM

Looks like it is time to go buy another tank...:D


09-17-2007, 05:50 PM
thanks for the reply. I'll just keep on hatching bbs and feed it to them until I start seeing the orange bellies.

I would love to get new tanks but living in a one bed room apartment in NYC, I'm pretty much crampted up already. I think it's time for me to "donate" that angel fish. I wanted to donate the angel fish ever since I got my first discus august of last year. It'll free up the 20 gallon I have.

thanks again