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View Full Version : Male is hurting female

09-19-2007, 10:23 AM
Hello All,
Five months a go I bought a Red Turquoise pair, and as I never had a discus pair before, I lost seven spawns to get my first success.
Past 20 days I was thinking about moving babies to other tank, but I wasn't sure if the time was enough or not, to babies stay OK when I saw the male eye sick. It was absolutely white. Fastly I moved the fry and began the treatment.
After 15 days the eye was better and I resolved to prepare the tank to reproducion again, when I saw the female swimming like crazy, from one side to other side in the tank, without any motivation, as a worm disease.
Other 6 days, some white "bodies" in the feces and finaly the female was better again.
Two days a go I began preparing the tank to repreoduce again when I saw the female body and fins hurt.
Observing with attention I saw the male attacking the female very agressive.
I think it can be forcing the female to spwan, but I think the female is not prepared because it just receive the attacks and run away.
I'm confuse, I'm afraid the male hurt deadly the female because it is much bigger than the female.
Yesterday I put a glass wall in the tank and the male keep attacking the wall very angry. Sometimes the male "dance" to the female, and sometimes the female is "dancing" bashfully to the male, but never the female answer immediately to male dance. Maybe the female is not read to spawn, or other think.
What can I do?
I put stress guard, melafix and incresead the temperature to 31 degrees.
Maybe is better I move the female to other tank during two or three weeks. Should I move the female?
Please one help?
Thank you!

09-19-2007, 12:33 PM
I would try a divider that allowed water to pass through it and give them some time apart but still able to see each other and share water. I have one male that is very agressive and one female also agressive and they don't like each other. I wanted to pair them so I set them up with divider. It took two months and a few battles before I finaly got them together at the right time and they spawned. I had to replace divider right away because they started fighting and knocking eggs off the cone within an hour after spawn. Sometimes you have to get tricky with them. Yours may not be as bad so give them time and try again.


09-20-2007, 12:41 AM
Hello Kacey and all,
Thank you for your comment, it was very interesting.
I can't imagine how do you get success with so special pair, but congratulations.
I kept them separetely during the last 24 hours and after I removed the wall glass to clean the tank and to do the TPA.
In the begining the female answered as expected, but some minutes later the problem seemed to go back.
I gave them tonigh to resolve their couple problems, but I'm afraid the male hurt the female a lot.
I will check tomorrow, if the situation to proceed the same, I will follow your suggestion and I will separe them during one week, try again, two weeks, try again,...
Thank you again and best regards.