View Full Version : RGD's male vs female

09-21-2007, 01:26 PM
Looking to add a couple of RGD's to my albino golds. Got some pics from the seller and he told me the females were much prettier than the males. Is this so? cause the female though young was a knockout but the males color was really not cool. Was thinking of just adding females to the golds because of this.

Any feedback
Thx Dave

09-21-2007, 04:50 PM
The wild caught red type discus also have that same dimorphism shown between the sexes. It is a trait carried over into many aquarium strains as well. Good red males are harder to find, but not immpossible.

Rod :)

09-21-2007, 05:02 PM
Thx for the feedback Rod. Funny thing is another seller is offering RGD's but they all look the same, whereas the first guy's strain the difference if real apparent. Plus the females look much better. Kinda scared me off the second dealer.
