View Full Version : Brine shrimp advisory..

09-24-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi all,
I've been talking with a representative for a large Brine shrimp company, (Artemia International) and he informed me that theres some possible issues with cysts collected in 2006 from the great salt lakes..aka GSL. I believe this issue applies to all producers of these brine shrimp cysts from the GSL.

Tests have shown these cysts to be unstable as far hatch rates.. The advisement was to use the cysts out of the refrigerator , not the freezer for better hatch rates.. ( unopenned cans be stored in either) ..I guess theres some self life issues as well. Basically he advised me to get what I would need now without keeping inventory for months on end.

He did say that the 2007 harvest will start up in October with product to be available in early February....but at this point they don't know if this collection year will be better.

So if you are experiencing issues with cysts purchased this year...this may explain it.

I did verify this information by phone with another company...Brine shrimp Direct, and the rep I spoke with told me that the past 3 years they have seen issues with the stability of the cysts... he went as far as to say that the hatch rates will go down if the un-openned can is left at room temp (for only days) ...so best if those are stored in the frig or freezer.. Interestingly this never was the case up until a few years ago.. he speculated it was due to drought?higher saline water and different foods the Brine shrimp eat.

From their website..


09-25-2007, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the heads up, al...


04-10-2008, 08:37 PM
Hi all,
I've been talking with a representative for a large Brine shrimp company, (Artemia International) and he informed me that theres some possible issues with cysts collected in 2006 from the great salt lakes..aka GSL. I believe this issue applies to all producers of these brine shrimp cysts from the GSL.

Tests have shown these cysts to be unstable as far hatch rates.. The advisement was to use the cysts out of the refrigerator , not the freezer for better hatch rates.. ( unopenned cans be stored in either) ..I guess theres some self life issues as well. Basically he advised me to get what I would need now without keeping inventory for months on end.

He did say that the 2007 harvest will start up in October with product to be available in early February....but at this point they don't know if this collection year will be better.

So if you are experiencing issues with cysts purchased this year...this may explain it.

I did verify this information by phone with another company...Brine shrimp Direct, and the rep I spoke with told me that the past 3 years they have seen issues with the stability of the cysts... he went as far as to say that the hatch rates will go down if the un-openned can is left at room temp (for only days) ...so best if those are stored in the frig or freezer.. Interestingly this never was the case up until a few years ago.. he speculated it was due to drought?higher saline water and different foods the Brine shrimp eat.

From their website..


Well, here is another bs "advisory": When you buy a pound of brine shrimp eggs it produces only about an ounce of dry weight food when hatched out. This is because baby brine shrimp are almost totally WATER. Write to the major producers of the eggs, and their scientists will confirm what I say. This probably makes bbs the most expensive fish food by far. Worse yet, the bbs are only super nutritious for a very short time after hatching: Once they use up their egg sacs (to grow a little), they are not as nutritious for your fry. For both these reasons, which they seem to sense, fry glom down tons of the buggers in order to get enough nutrition to grow well on. This is why their stomachs bulge so much. Think that that bulging shows how good the food is? Think again. What it shows is that the fry sense they must eat TOO MUCH, enough in some of them to crush some internal organs maybe killing some (especially bettas and gouramis) and doing less-than-lethal but permanent damage to others.

05-13-2008, 09:46 AM
I soak my bbs in pro grow for 5 minutes before feeding. That being said I find it more of a pain cleaning them. Id rather clean my sump pit than sit for 2 minutes waiting for the cleansing water to drain from the bbs filter. Anyone use any other food for 3 day free swiming fry?? I did see the post on lobster eggs, I just had a hard time believing dime size fry in 6 days of free swimming. Thx Ed

06-04-2008, 05:25 AM
hi i got a bottle of those bad eggs it dident seem like any of the eggs hatched out .they are to expence to just put in the garbage
have fun & good luck

06-04-2008, 10:23 AM
I soak my bbs in pro grow for 5 minutes before feeding. That being said I find it more of a pain cleaning them. Id rather clean my sump pit than sit for 2 minutes waiting for the cleansing water to drain from the bbs filter. Anyone use any other food for 3 day free swiming fry?? I did see the post on lobster eggs, I just had a hard time believing dime size fry in 6 days of free swimming. Thx Ed
I can't hatch BBS worth a damn, so I resorted to frozen BBS and Hikari First Bites when my first (slightly) successful spawn happened. Seems to have worked. After a week, they were into tiny ground-up flakes and sampling Dad's bloodworms. At four weeks, they're an inch nose to tail and growing fast.

11-06-2016, 09:28 PM
Dime size by 6days free swimming? Not possible, not for discus anyways. But aside from bbs, I also feed sprirulina powder and blended bh paste. But I think it's best to nourish the parents Well during this stage so the fry would get the best nutrient needed, since cleaning up is a hassle. Plus keeping your water level low would be much easier to clean up and the fry wouldn't have to troubles finding their parents to feed.

11-06-2016, 10:44 PM
I read "Brine Shrimp Advisory" and the first thing that came into my head was, "Oh no, not another dread disease?" It was a great relief to learn that is's just a fuss about hatch rate.

Larry Bugg
11-06-2016, 10:50 PM
Resurrection of a 9 year old thread, lol. There is no current advisory.

11-06-2016, 10:54 PM
Thank God. I was afraid that it was some new dread disease that had befallen us;)