View Full Version : New to the forum, and got a question.

10-07-2007, 08:50 PM
Hey guys,

I am new to the forum, but not new to keeping Discus. I have a 50 gallon bare bottom tank, with 5 Discus, and 5 Red Eye Tetra. So far, everything has been going. I have had the tank for just over a month, and water stats are: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. I used mature media to cycle the tank, and clean the tank 20 percent siphon once per day (except weekends are 1 top up or small water change.)

I was wondering, as I will get a bigger tank, if I could add a Ram. I will be getting a tank at least 90 gallons once I move. But, I don't know how soon that will be. How would they get a long in a tank that size, for long term? I mean, I doubt it will be for many then a year or a year and a half.

(forgot to mention, I also work at a locally owned pet store in the aquatic section.)

Thanks in advance on the question,


10-07-2007, 09:05 PM
Welcome to Simply DL you certainly have come to the right place for discus info. Is their any reason you can't wait until you get the new tank to get the ram, seeing that you work in a lfs anyway. Just my opinion other will give you theirs I'm sure shortly. Again welcome.

10-07-2007, 09:26 PM
DL, Rams are small you could certainly add them to the 55, but
and I strongly suggest you quarantine any fish before you add them to you tank.

10-07-2007, 10:34 PM
Thanks guys,

I forgot to mention, it would be a German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)

Eventually (once the tank is upgraded) it would be:
5 Discus
5 Red Eye Tetra
1 Ram
1 Angelfish

There has always been a bit of mixed thoughts on Angelfish and Discus, but I have seen, that they don't pose a problem in bigger tanks.

I could wait, but I tend to get impatient with my fish :P

Yes, I will quarantine the fish.

10-08-2007, 08:37 AM
Why only one?:(

10-08-2007, 08:41 AM
:D I would put in more than 1, perhaps 2 if you're worried 'bout volume....just remember they are very short-lived & probably need replacing by the time you get the tank, if it's quite awhile, JMO... Dottie ;)

10-08-2007, 08:43 AM
:D Oops Marie, didn't see your post, but I do question also........

10-08-2007, 09:16 AM
I agree with adding more than one ram. One ram will probably be lonely. The same can be said of angelfish. I would keep rams in groups of at least four to six.


10-08-2007, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I guess I could try putting two in, but i'm debating on where I should get another Discus or not. I really want a natural common blue/brown Discus, but I am not sure. I don't want to over load the tank, and I feel that I am experienced enough to do it, but what do you guys think? Most of the Discus have a hang out when not venturing for food, so it can sometimes look a little empty.

Also, I find that 4 out of the 5 Discus are very mean to one guy (especially this one nasty guy), he can come out to eat, but after they always chase him back behind my terra-cotta pots. Thats pretty much all he does, is sit around behind the pots and does not come out very often. When he is down there though, and they still try to nip him, then he totally goes gains some courage, with lip-locking, and fanning his tail in their face (I presume that has to do with trying to gain dominance.) He only attacks if he's been attacked though. :mad:

I think adding another Discus may help extinguish and dilute the aggression, and I should be able to move before they are fully grown. What do you think?

I think I already mentioned it in the first post, but I do water changes 20 percent once per day, and have one Aqua Clear 70 and a Liberty 50.

10-08-2007, 03:41 PM
If you guys also agree on thinking it would be okay, then I would like to add one of these:
Alenquer Curipera
Juruti Red
Nhamunda Cross Red/Solid Red
Jatapu Lag A Blue/Red Ica/Red
Manacapuru Super Red Gold Eye
Maracana Red
Nova Olinda

What do you guys think?

10-10-2007, 05:19 AM
Hi DL,
Welcome to SimplyDiscus!:) I've yet to meet a wild I did not like so any you go with will be fine here.;) but the question is ..which do you like better.. If you can pick them in Person all the better ....go by the look of the fish....not the name or price tag.

That said.. I would not add another fish to the 50 gal unless you removed the tetras... I think it would be too much... not that you could not make up for the added fish with water changes... but too much in the sense it will look cramped if the discus you have are large fish ...

Now if the discus you have are small and still growing... ie 3-4" and you will be upgrading in the time frame that they will be still small and growing...then yes.. add another discus.....just make sure its the size of yours or slightly larger.


10-10-2007, 01:48 PM
Thanks for the reply! I got three small Discus (3-5 inches) and two bigger guys (6-7 inches)

Do you really thing the tetras will do much? They have a small bio-load, and aren't aggresive.

I made a video the other day, so hopefully I can get it up soon (computer was giving troubles last night.)

10-13-2007, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the reply! I got three small Discus (3-5 inches) and two bigger guys (6-7 inches)

Do you really thing the tetras will do much? They have a small bio-load, and aren't aggresive.

I made a video the other day, so hopefully I can get it up soon (computer was giving troubles last night.)

What are you doing for filtration?

In my opinion, if you're providing a lot of filtration (i.e. exceed what is recommended for your size tank), and you keep up with the water change, you can add more bioload. The aesthetics of doing so will clearly be a subjective call.

With respect to adding another discus to dilute the aggression, there is a chance that you might add yet another aggressor to make that low ranked discus even more miserable.


10-17-2007, 07:38 PM
What are you doing for filtration?

In my opinion, if you're providing a lot of filtration (i.e. exceed what is recommended for your size tank), and you keep up with the water change, you can add more bioload. The aesthetics of doing so will clearly be a subjective call.

With respect to adding another discus to dilute the aggression, there is a chance that you might add yet another aggressor to make that low ranked discus even more miserable.


Yep, thats what I am worried about, more aggression, and so I am not going to get one after more deliberation.

I am running an Aqua Clear 70 and a Liberty 50 (120 gallons) for a 50 gallon, so yes, pretty over filtered.

Dolphin Dip
10-19-2007, 08:45 PM
Thanks guys,

I forgot to mention, it would be a German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)

Eventually (once the tank is upgraded) it would be:
5 Discus
5 Red Eye Tetra
1 Ram
1 Angelfish

There has always been a bit of mixed thoughts on Angelfish and Discus, but I have seen, that they don't pose a problem in bigger tanks.

I could wait, but I tend to get impatient with my fish :P

Yes, I will quarantine the fish.

from what i've read as long as the angel[s] are from a reliable breeder, disease shouldn't be a problem.

i dont know enough about discus themselves [yet] to comment on the bioload but rams also do better in pairs.