View Full Version : German Blue Ram questions..

10-16-2007, 09:25 PM
I have a pair of German Blue Rams (I'm not sure if I have a female and a male) and for some reason when I got home today, I found them digging a pit in the gravel. Does anyone know what they are doing??

10-16-2007, 10:01 PM
Must be breeding time!

10-16-2007, 10:38 PM
My German Blue pair dig in the gavel for extra food and have nibbled on plant roots they like. German Blues laid eggs on a surface and he will protect them.

Here's a PDF article on German rams by Don Zilliox: http://www.jaysaquaria.com/Breeding%20the%20German%20Ram%20(Don%20Zilliox).pd f

According to the article, there is a sure fire way to sex them. Quote:

"A sure fire way of sexing your Rams is to check the black blotch in the fish's side. If there are blue spangled dots in and around it, that's a female. Those with no dots present are males."

10-17-2007, 07:27 AM
Females will be smaller an more oval in shape. They will also have reddish belly's, especially when in breeding mode. If they are in breeding mode, you will also see them drop their breeding tubes. Males are larger and more elongated. I would say more colorful, but thats not always true.

10-19-2007, 01:24 PM
They are about to spawn ... Rams lay eggs in shallow pits or on flat objects

two utes
11-17-2007, 01:58 AM
May l ask why my large male German Blue ram Is aggresivly chasing the smaller Female around the tank every time she comes near him? Shes does have blue spangled dots in and around the black patch, and he does not.:confused:

11-17-2007, 12:38 PM
Have any pictures?

two utes
11-18-2007, 02:43 AM
Actually she does not come near him. She hides from him and he comes looking for her, then chases her like crazy.
I took these for you to check out.1st photo male? @nd & 3rd photos of the female?
Man it's hard getting good shots of fish in an aquirium....any tips?
He's either chasing off another male, or he's try to mate up with her, OR????
I think they are a pair...but maybe not?

11-18-2007, 12:31 PM
You are correct, #1 is a male and #2, and #3 are females.
The females, as shown, are not in breeding condition. They will fill out and adopt a rosy hue as they near spawning.
The male will chase them but once the females are in spawning condition a more co-operative pair will form.

two utes
11-18-2007, 04:03 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I actually only have one female, and glad now that l actually have a pair. Thanks for that. I'm looking forward to seeing them get along better.