View Full Version : Biofoam Sponge filter

10-17-2007, 11:25 PM

I am going to buy a sponge filter for my 75 gallon I'm about to cycle. I am just curious as to how big of a sponge filter I need. I am running a wet/dry trickle filter and want a sponge too. Is that a good idea? There are so many out there in different sizes I am lost as to how many or how big of one I need. I was looking at this one here:


Or should I get one of those big ones that sit on the bottom like this:


I know the second one says up to 125 gallons. But I like the Idea of the other one that you can suction cup it to the side of the tank. The othe one is a bit bulky. But I do want one that works well. If I get the Elite one by Hagen that hangs on the side of the tank ould the sponges be ok to point upward... or do I need to have them facing down toward the bottom of the tank? Do I put them in right away to help begin the cycle? I assume I do. This is going to be a show tank too. I don't know. What do you all think? Please help :)

Thanks again!


10-18-2007, 10:01 AM
If your going to use a trickle filter and you're seting up a show tank then you don't really want a sponge filter in the tank. You could put one in the sump to have a cycled filter ready for when/if you ever need one. I'd go with the second one, that sits on the bottom, and get as big a one as they've got. If you go with the first kind try to find a bigger one as the one pictured aren't much good for tanks bigger than 20 to 30 gals.
