View Full Version : My Computer and Camera Seem to Hate Each Other Now

10-21-2007, 10:33 AM
I am no longer able to download photos from my digital camera to my computer. One day it worked, then one day it did not. For some reason, I've been getting a message that its not connected and to check my camera connections. My husband checked to see if his camera elicits the same message. It doesn't, he gets another message which says there are no pictures in the camera, even though there are. We both have Canons, he has the Rebel, I have a Powershot and they use the same software. We checked to see if we could get pictures to download through other programs, Image Expert and Photo Suite. Both of those other programs recognized that our cameras were hooked up, but both said that we have no photos in the camera.

We also tried switching USB cables, from the one that came with my camera to the one that came with his camera. Still no good.

I reinstalled the Canon software since I remembered having this problem once before and it then worked properly after reinstallation last time. But this time, as soon as I plug the USB cable into the USB port on the computer, the computer freezes up.

Seems kind of pointless to have a digital camera if I can't get the photos downloaded. Any ideas on what's going on and how to fix it?


10-21-2007, 10:38 AM
Go to the camera mfgs website and see if they have any Firmware updates or software updates...these often fix glitches like this.

Also when you reinstalled the software.. be sure to fully uninstall the current software...don't just over-write it.

Last thing to try is going to your computer mfg website and see if theres a Bios Update....These also can sometimes fix issues like this.

10-21-2007, 10:42 AM
Connie, I had a similar issue once, when I plugged in the usb cord to my camera ( and we have the same one yes? ) nothing would happen....

I posted here and Brian ( Jeep ) told me to do something, but I can not remember what that was! Big help huh? Look back to one of my threads, or I will do it when I get home tonight:)

Whatever it was, it worked!:) I bet he will pop along soon...

10-21-2007, 03:22 PM
Marie, I think a hammer will work wonders...

Diamond Discus
10-21-2007, 04:01 PM
I have a gateway, and whenever something like that happens....like it worked last week but suddenly now it doesn't, I use "system restore" (used to be called gateway go back) to return my computer to a point in time befoore the problem began. It works. I don't know what kind of computer you have??

10-21-2007, 07:43 PM
I have a gateway, and whenever something like that happens....like it worked last week but suddenly now it doesn't, I use "system restore" (used to be called gateway go back) to return my computer to a point in time befoore the problem began. It works. I don't know what kind of computer you have??
Sue, I have a custom built computer. One of my husband's friends builds computers for a living, but he doesn't see the guy anymore. I suppose I could keep going back until I find a time when it still worked, that's an idea, better than the hammer, I suppose!

10-21-2007, 07:47 PM
Go to the camera mfgs website and see if they have any Firmware updates or software updates...these often fix glitches like this.

Also when you reinstalled the software.. be sure to fully uninstall the current software...don't just over-write it.

Last thing to try is going to your computer mfg website and see if theres a Bios Update....These also can sometimes fix issues like this.
Al, I'm going to try the Canon website/tech support.

When I reinstalled, it was after doing an uninstall, but I might do it again since I've noticed that sometimes it does not fully uninstall.

I don't have a manufacturer for the computer, its a custom built one.


10-21-2007, 07:48 PM
Connie, I had a similar issue once, when I plugged in the usb cord to my camera ( and we have the same one yes? ) nothing would happen....

I posted here and Brian ( Jeep ) told me to do something, but I can not remember what that was! Big help huh? Look back to one of my threads, or I will do it when I get home tonight:)

Whatever it was, it worked!:) I bet he will pop along soon...
And just where the heck is Brian when you need him????? :D

10-21-2007, 07:48 PM
what version of windows is it?

10-21-2007, 09:50 PM
I had a similar prob and bought a universal card reader at Wallymart, no more problems. I just put my camera memory card in the reader, hooked up to the PC, and voila! The pics download to my program. I think it cost me $17.

10-22-2007, 04:39 AM
I got a card reader recently on ebay for about $8.
Here is one like it, works great.
http://cgi.ebay.com/All-in-1-Card-Reader-SD-CF-XD-MMC-Pro-Duo-1gb-2gb-4gb_W0QQitemZ330178597966QQihZ014QQcategoryZ50526Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

10-22-2007, 05:56 AM
what version of windows is it?
Windows XP

I had a similar prob and bought a universal card reader at Wallymart, no more problems. I just put my camera memory card in the reader, hooked up to the PC, and voila! The pics download to my program. I think it cost me $17.

I got a card reader recently on ebay for about $8.
Here is one like it, works great.
http://cgi.ebay.com/All-in-1-Card-Reader-SD-CF-XD-MMC-Pro-Duo-1gb-2gb-4gb_W0QQitemZ330178597966QQihZ014QQcategoryZ50526Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
I've been told that we have a USB driver problem, which makes sense, now got to uninstall/reinstall the drivers. Thanks for the info and link for the card readers, I'm going to check them out anyway as its probably better than using the USB cable.

10-22-2007, 06:55 AM
I've been told that we have a USB driver problem

You might try going into the bios and make sure usb is enabled otherwise,
winXP should have all the drivers for it.
Do you have your XP install disc?

10-22-2007, 08:50 AM
And just where the heck is Brian when you need him????? :D

Did you find the boy? Try BIDKA ~ which I am sure you did:)

10-22-2007, 05:23 PM
Go to Control Panel, go to System, go to Device Manager - check the USB drivers and see if there is a conflict or other problem that is preventing them from working correctly. You can click a button (probably under advanced.. been awhile) and re-install the driver.

Does your computer have USB 1 and the cameras want a USB 2 ?
Do you plug the camera into the computer itself, or into a USB hub? Could be the hub?

Someone suggested a system restore - might be the easiest way to fix the problem unless it's a mechanical failure of the USB interface devise - being a custom built computer it could be in the motherboard or on a card..

Could be lots of things :p Though it is strange IME for a USB interface to simply stop working... unless.. do you have a VIRUS :alien:

Good luck :)