View Full Version : Poor hatch rate of Brine?

10-24-2007, 09:52 PM
I'm haveing trouble with brine shrine hatching. I have 3 of the upside down soda bottle hatcheries. I've only been buying the pre mixed packets. I had good hatch rates at first and now little to none are hatching. I've tried didfferent water combo's(tap, bottled)ph between 7.0-7.8 and no luck. I contacted San Francisco Brine Shrimp and they are sending me replacements. Are any of you haveing trouble with hatch rates or have any sugestions? I'm haveing to feed frozen baby brine but they sure eat the live ones better.

10-24-2007, 10:52 PM
Hi Jon,
this may interest you...



10-24-2007, 11:29 PM
Hi Al,
I had read that post, does it also apply to San Fransico Brand shrimp eggs ? I purchase the eggs from retail shops here in town at room temperature. Does it mean they are comprimised right from the get go? Do you purchase from BS Direct and are the premium eggs that much better?
Thanks for the info,

10-24-2007, 11:49 PM
Jon, I'm using both the Sanfrancisco pre-mix and also their eggs only. I have been getting a good rate of hatch, how warm is the room? needs to be around 80 deg.


10-24-2007, 11:54 PM
Room temp is about 78. Wouldn't a few degree's just add to the hatch time? :confused:
With all the fires we have had to have the air conditioner on all week to keep the smoke and ash outso its a little cooler in the house.


10-25-2007, 11:43 PM
Are you seeing no hatch or delayed hatch? Have you let the cones go a while just to see?


10-26-2007, 12:23 AM
Hi Abby,
I was seeing little to no hatch after 3 days. The batches that don't hatch have much smaller eggs than those that do. I bought a new batch from another supplier and all seems to be back on track.
I contacted San Fransisco brine shrimp and they suggested adding 1/4 teaspoon of backing soda to the mix to raise the PH. They also said not to declore the water as the clorine would aid in softening the egg shells. Maybe you all know this, I'm new to breeding so this is all a learning experiance for me. The babies are much happier now with live food instead of frozen. I've been feeding First bites by Hikari also but they seem to just spit them out.
Thanks for all the help, I need it:o
