View Full Version : Big Scare...Discus practically came back from the dead

10-29-2007, 03:33 PM
I had a big scare the other day. One of my filters stopped in my 125 (US) gallon tank. I run 2 filters in the tank, an Eheim 2128 and a FilStar XP3. I shutoff the Filstar the other day. I was planning to do some cleaning on it, but never got a chance to. I usually clean the filters every 2-4 months or so, which I judge by the filter flow rate.

Anyways, stupid me never really checked the flow rate of the Eheim filter, which was also very slow, almost none. I always check on my fishes every morning. Well, the next morning, I saw all the discus, angels, and harlequin rasboras swimming at the top, with the fineline SS floating upside down, but with the gills still moving. Strangely, the clown loaches and cories were fine. I also saw one of my L-260 plecos looking bloated.

I panicked and performed a quick water change and immediately cleaned out the Eheim. I cleaned out the FilStar XP3 as well, but for some reason it wouldn't start. I was in a hurry, since I was meeting up with Jim (Cosmo), so I setup my Marineland Emperor 480 to help with the water movement. The Eheim's flow was slower than normal, but at least functioning, so I left. The fineline SS was somewhat swimming upright, but still didn't look that great.

When I came home, the fineline SS was hiding behind one of the pieces of wood, but at least swimming. I realized the pre-filter sponge was very dirty, so I decided to clean them. Once I removed the sponge from the intake of the Eheim, the flow was increased. I should have realized the dirty pre-filter sponge slowed down the flow. I then decided to figure out why the FilStar wouldn't start, but after some finagling, I finally got it going. Later in the evening, the fineline SS was laying upright on the gravel. I also saw some spots, which appeared to be ich. I was saddened, thinking it wasn't going to make it overnight. I didn't want to remove her from the tank and isolate her, since I knew she was stressed enough, especially trying to pull through.

I decided to perform another WC, but decided instead of filling the tank, I just left it partially empty. I figured the waterfall effect from the Eheim 2128, FilStar XP3, and Emperor 400 should create allot of surface agitation to oxygenate the water.

The following morning, I was expecting either an outbreak of ich or even a dead discus. But to my joy, the fineline SS was doing great and NO signs of ich! She was a fighter and pulled through. Unfortunately, she's not back to normal as usual, because she doesn't eat from my hands. But she is eating. She was also the 2nd most dominant in the tank, with the BT as the most dominant. Unfortunately, she was still a little shy and not as boisterous. I think this also maybe due to an RT I sold from the tank. The RT was the 3rd dominant in the tank and she (fineline SS) would often push the RT around. Now without any other bullies, she is free to roam the tank as she pleases.

As for the L-260 pleco, it too pulled through. It usually hides in it's little cave. I was expecting to see a dead pleco as well. But this morning's feeding, I saw it swimming around looking for food and not even bloated.

I guess this teaches me a few lessons...
- If for some reason, I have to shut down a filter, make sure the other is functioning properly.
- Clean pre-filter sponges more often.

10-29-2007, 03:37 PM
Glad all turned out good! Forgetting to turn on things, can be fatal.:(

Tropical Haven
10-29-2007, 09:35 PM
Glad to hear everything turned out all right.

10-29-2007, 10:48 PM
Oooopppsy...bet you won't forget that again ;-) !!!!

10-31-2007, 11:26 PM
Yeap, I sure won't forget. I'm also making sure I clean of the pre-filter sponge, at least, once a month.

Looks like all the fish made it with no problems. I happened to see both L-260's and they both look fine.

The Fineline SS is doing great as well. It's still not eating from my hands as it used to, but it's fine, becuase it is eating well. It's also not as skittish as the day or so after the scare.

Now I'm looking to get a generator for the tanks and maybe also plug the fridge and freezer to the generator as well. Just not sure what the minimum wattage I could use.

11-04-2007, 03:27 PM
Oh how i feel for you, i have had the same thing happent to me and I unfortunetly had lost some, ever since that day I have hatted my xp3 it gets week all the time, and I clean mine 1 a month.

I'm glad everything turned out for you.

11-05-2007, 11:19 AM
All my tanks are located in the basement. The bad thing is, most of the outlets in the basement are on one switch. The switch can just support 6 tanks (3 regular tanks, an L-046 growout tank, a pleco conditioning tank, a water aging tank). Most of the tanks use only 1 heater, with the exception of my 125 gallon, which runs 2 heaters. I also run a dehumidifier running 24/7. When I'm doing stuff in the basement, I can hear the switch almost wanting to trip and sometimes it does. So I'm worried one day it does trip when I'm not around. This is why I often check my fish tanks before I sleep and also first thing in the morning. Once I get my plecos conditioned to the foods I feed, I will move them over to my 125 gallon tank, and shut down the conditioning tank. I was planning to get discus, but I will probably hold out until after the New Year, since we always have a party New Years eve.

Iovino Gennaro
11-06-2007, 09:43 AM
Very good notice.............:):)

11-06-2007, 12:39 PM
most of the outlets in the basement are on one switch.
One "breaker"?
Sounds like you might look into adding maybe another 20 amp breaker and split up the outlets between them?

11-07-2007, 01:50 AM
One "breaker"?
Sounds like you might look into adding maybe another 20 amp breaker and split up the outlets between them?

Yeah, I've been thinking that. I wonder if the electrician has to rewire the basement or just use the existing wires to add onto another breaker.

11-07-2007, 05:36 AM
Yeah, I've been thinking that. I wonder if the electrician has to rewire the basement or just use the existing wires to add onto another breaker.

Without seeing your wiring I would think a new line from the breaker box would be required.
In most cases with one breaker you would have one line run through all outlet boxes, and if you have enough outlets then you would just need to run another line to say the box at the half way point then separate those from the first run and tie into the second half of the outlet boxes. does that make any sense?
Just off the top of my head. :p