View Full Version : Zeolite

10-29-2007, 04:17 PM
Does anyone no what this is and its benefits, or r there any? :confused:

10-29-2007, 05:53 PM
Zeolites are minerals that have the ability to absorb a number of toxins, can soften water and are used in aquariums mainly to remove ammonia. HTH


10-29-2007, 07:23 PM
Just to add a little more..Zeolite only absorbs ammonium NH4, so in higher pH waters it won't work very well as the ammonium will be in the form of ammonia NH3.

It will release NH4 when salt is added to the water...that's how it's re-charged, the higher the salt level the more NH4 that will be released ...if the pH is high enough then that NH4 goes to NH3 and becomes very toxic.

If just left in the system then it becomes a good bio-media.


10-29-2007, 07:37 PM
Just to add a little more..Zeolite only absorbs ammonium NH4, so in higher pH waters it won't work very well as the ammonium will be in the form of ammonia NH3.

It will release NH4 when salt is added to the water...that's how it's re-charged, the higher the salt level the more NH4 that will be released ...if the pH is high enough then that NH4 goes to NH3 and becomes very toxic.

If just left in the system then it becomes a good bio-media.

Zeolite is ammonia absorbing media which can be used in quarantine tanks when one doesn't have a cycled filter to hand - or when a medication would kill the bio-filter. So, the benefit to the fish is that they are protected from the effects of their own waste during the time they are being treated for illness.
Zeolite should not be used in a cycling or cycled tank however, as it will absorb the amm and starve the cycle. [/B]

Is this true???

10-29-2007, 07:46 PM
It's not something that needs to be used....

it's absorbs NH4 and therefore nitrifiers growing on other media won't have it available to them. Nitrifiers growing on the clay will have it ...not much good mind you if you remove the clay from the system.

It does nothing for nitrates..........

There are much better binders out there that work at any pH, unlike zeolite


10-29-2007, 11:50 PM
I've never heard about that aspect of it Graham. If it only removes ammonium then it's pretty useless as an ammonia remover. If it only works on the relativly non-toxic form, then whats the point?


10-30-2007, 06:36 AM
If you have higher pH levels then it isn't a a great binder...

10-30-2007, 06:24 PM
"Zeolite is ammonia absorbing media which can be used in quarantine tanks when one doesn't have a cycled filter to hand - or when a medication would kill the bio-filter. So, the benefit to the fish is that they are protected from the effects of their own waste during the time they are being treated for illness. "
From what i have been told, this is good for a sick fish when u don't have a cycled tank. It protects them from the amm burn and all the other stuff that nasty amm will do. Sounds good to me if u no how to use it.:o