View Full Version : "The ghost hunt" Part 1

Tropical Haven
10-31-2007, 11:04 AM
After the wonderful interest in the Paranormal thread that was posted, I thought it would be nice to give our local haunted cemetery a visit for the first time and post some pictures and see if we can capture anything on the camera.

This thread is in 3 parts that is listed below.

Part 1 = A little about the cemetery.

Part 2 = Daytime pictures of the cemetery to give everyone an idea of what it looks like before I journey it at night time.

Part 3 = The night of the ghost hunt, will have numerous pictures taken to hopefully capture either orbs or ghostly figures.

Part 1

This cemetary is called St. Marys and is from the 1800's, it is located in Gilberts, IL. and is approx. 1 1/2 miles from my house. I have moved out here 3 years ago and have never visited this cemetery yet. There has been many articles that say people have seen many green orbs in here as well as a male apirition that walks with a lantern swinging back and forth. It is believed that this ghost use to be the cemetery caretaker from a long time ago and when he passed away he has come back to finish watching over the cemetery. Here is one link from many on the internet about this cemetery. After you click on the link scroll down in aphabetical order to Gilberts - Tyrell Road Cemetery. This is the cemetery that I will be analyzing for ghosts or Orbs.


I will be taking a series of pictures on my way home today from work so you can see the layout of this cemetery with some close up shots of tomb stones so you can see how old this place is. How fitting to be going in there on Halloween to take some pics. I would be going back tonight for the investigation but a live show of ghost hunters is on tonight on the sci-fi channel and I never miss that for anything. I will be out there sometime this weekend at night to try to capture something on my camera. I hope that this thread will spark a lot of interest in the paranormal and I hope to be able to capture some unusual things on my camera for everyone. Until tonight when I post some pics of the cemetery in the daytime have a wonderful Halloween.

10-31-2007, 11:51 AM
I thought it would be nice to give our local haunted cemetery a visit for the first time and post some pictures and see if we can capture anything on the camera.

Hell Yes!

How fitting to be going in there on Halloween to take some pics.

Okay. I assume you are going alone? Insane. Crazy. I hope you return to us, Scott. I just saw on the discovery channel the other night on the show, " A Haunting" and this kid did not return from the cemetery alone.:alien:

This is great! I am very excited for you!....I want every single detail http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_2_105.gif

10-31-2007, 12:17 PM
Get lots of Tombstone shots Scott, I need ideas for next years decorations (already...)


10-31-2007, 12:20 PM
Randal! You must post some pictures of your house! I am dying to see it:)

Tropical Haven
10-31-2007, 12:29 PM
Hell Yes!

Okay. I assume you are going alone? Insane. Crazy. I hope you return to us, Scott. I just saw on the discovery channel the other night on the show, " A Haunting" and this kid did not return from the cemetery alone.:alien:

Yes I will be taking this adventure today by myself. But the night of the actual hunt I will have my best friend & fishing partner Steve with me.

Get lots of Tombstone shots Scott, I need ideas for next years decorations (already...)


I will be taking lots of tomb stone pics for sure, you should have plenty of idea's after I am done. :D

10-31-2007, 12:37 PM
I wish I could go.:(

Tropical Haven
11-01-2007, 09:38 AM
Part 2 update

I finally ended up making it to the cemetery to take some pictures for everyone to see the overall view of it. Was very windy outside but the whole time I was in there nothing at all felt strange to me. This is a very neat place to visit, it felt like I was walking into the past since 80% of the tomb stones were from the 1800's and quite a few of them you couldn't even read because they were very old.

I ended up taking 30 pictures but I don't think I am going to post all of them but I do have a few that I thought were interesting that I must share with you. I hope that you enjoy the pictures.
















Now on these next 2 pictures that I have is where it gets really interesting, kinda freaked out the wife. :D On my computer at home it showed up really well but I am on my computer at work and I can't tell if there is anything but I will describe it to you and let me know if you can see it. On these next two pictures if you look at the lower part of them slightly left of the center of them you should see a concentration of a hazy area like something is there. I don't know if it is the settings on this monitor where I can't see it but it showed up pretty clearly on my one at home. My wife thought it was something on my lens but after showing her all the other pictures it wasn't on them at all so she knew it had to be something there. Let me know if anyone see's it in these next two pictures.



And of course since this was my first time that I was ever here, I had to let everyone who died here exactly who was investigating their cemetery. Take a look at this next picture and let me know what you think! :D


11-01-2007, 10:00 AM
What county do you live in? We have a St. Mary's in Lake County too.

11-01-2007, 10:07 AM
Scott you went during the day?? Nothing is going to happen during the day! You didn't go during the night at all?

You really needed me there, babe:D

Hey did I tell you I was born in Ill?

Tropical Haven
11-01-2007, 10:22 AM
What county do you live in? We have a St. Mary's in Lake County too.

I live in Kane County. You need to come with me on my night time visit.

Scott you went during the day?? Nothing is going to happen during the day! You didn't go during the night at all?

You really needed me there, babe:D

Hey did I tell you I was born in Ill?

Thats why I listed 3 parts to this investigation. Part 2 of the investigation was for daytime pictures so everyone could see what the cemetery looks like before I take any night time pics. I offered for you to come join me on this but you are still there and I am here. :D

11-01-2007, 10:41 AM
Thats why I listed 3 parts to this investigation. Part 2 of the investigation was for daytime pictures so everyone could see what the cemetery looks like before I take any night time pics. I offered for you to come join me on this but you are still there and I am here. :D

....and they ya go posting my smileys where I can't!:( Looks great, Scott!

I forgot about that part of shooting the cemetery in the daylight...oops!:p

Great pictures btw! I know, I am still here:(

I love this thread!!:D:D:D:D

Tropical Haven
11-01-2007, 10:57 AM
I thought that last picture was fitting, didn't you? :D

11-01-2007, 09:02 PM
Yes! That was very good!!