View Full Version : tilted forward

11-03-2007, 02:39 PM
I have a discus tilted forward, i put Epsom salt and its been 5.3 hours there anything I can do or is it something different?

11-03-2007, 05:42 PM
hears some pics of him at 1 o clock.

Iovino Gennaro
11-03-2007, 08:45 PM
Try with Bactrim and temperature on 27/28 for 4/5 days.............
It's very,very difficult................

11-03-2007, 10:10 PM
well its bed time for them and hes where he normally sleeps but hes at the angle still.

Where can i get the bactrim?

11-03-2007, 11:47 PM
good news I think he has gone back to his normal stature. I will update you tomorrow.

Iovino Gennaro
11-04-2007, 01:38 PM
very good news!!!!:):)

11-04-2007, 02:12 PM
Yes its established he is in his right stature and happy as could be. But By the looks of it no one is really eating today, Strange.

Thank you Iovino.

Thank you Al for your words of wisdom and thank you everyone else for posting.

Would anyone happend to know why he tilted forward. It started in the morning before he ate?

11-04-2007, 08:39 PM
Ok i didn't want to add another post so i will add the question hear.

Why does a discus spin around, fast and all over the place? I got these 5 new discus, the runted ones and there speeding around like crazy 2 of them have done it and the one smallest one has done it a lot.

Iovino Gennaro
11-06-2007, 06:39 AM
it can be a very big problem.Is possible that this discus have neurologic problems. Have you used any medicines in thin period??
Explane us,exactly, what they do, how often,and when.............

11-06-2007, 01:09 PM
Thank you so much for answering since then I lost one witch was the smallest out of the group.

They start spinning around and around. They go up down and skirt across the tank. They didn't do it when I first got them that I noticed, but I notice they all do it. Some do it everyday like 2-5 times a day that I see.

I do know I spend more time cleaning there water and feeding them then the previous owner. Could it be the 70% water change every other day?

I have guramies in the tank and non of them show the signs. I have had 2 guramies die ,one was from bloating I think , and the other one was sitting on the ground and the next day i seen him, he dies.

Now in the past year I haven't had anything wired with my big tank, I haven't had any deaths other then fish that died from old age, jumping out, and also they where sword tails.

Knock on wood.

11-06-2007, 04:41 PM

As usual you will need to check all the water parameters, make sure that when doing large w/c the incoming water is close to the tank water in terms of temp and ph. Doesn't have to be exact, just close.

If you can isolate the affected fish into a hospital tank, possibility is they may be a swim bladder problem. A broad spectrum anti biotic may help, many fish do not recover though. In the qt tank, keep the temps around 80 for a few days, this can sometimes help.

11-07-2007, 08:46 PM
hey paul thank you, the thing is the discus are in there own tank, I did that because I can't and wont let my healthy fish get sick. I had a free tank to put them in so its just them and some guramies.

What is the antibiotic that I should get or just anything that has a brod spectrum?

I wish I didn't have school so i could lower the temp and check on them.

11-08-2007, 06:56 PM
Any broad spectrum, but if you can furan 2 is a good bet, kanamycin also.

11-08-2007, 10:49 PM
I can testify that not using Antibiotics does not help. So I would try the antibiotics.

I lost my fish displaying this same symptoms. In my fish the spinning became more and more violent. Eventually the period of time in which they ceased spinning and were calm only became 15 minutes or so.

11-09-2007, 09:38 AM
Does it seem strange to anyone else that we have two reported cases of the "spinning" issue in as many weeks? Is this something you've commonly witnessed in Discus in the past?

11-09-2007, 09:53 AM
Does it seem strange to anyone else that we have two reported cases of the "spinning" issue in as many weeks? Is this something you've commonly witnessed in Discus in the past?

Consider this.... not saying it is so, just offering a thought )

In the UK we recently had an outbreak of mad cow desease ( Spongiform Encephalitis (sp?) ) This involved cattle spinning around in much the manner you describe your Discus doing.

There was much said by government to the effect that this cound not be passed on to other animals or people but it could, and it was.

As a result of this all sale of offal and offal products was banned for a while ( still is ? )

This included beef heart I believe. Could there be a link here ?

11-09-2007, 06:15 PM
http://article.discusnews.com/cat-02/swimblader.shtml I just found this artical. Sorry people I haven't been responding but I have been really busy with school.

I notice some of the symptems are not the same or close.

for example mine goes to the top and swims on its side doing 360s like a twister.

I notice all of them have done it.

after they have done it they swim on there side for a bit n then they go back to swimming normal.

Question could it be because I do 50% - 70% water changes and they have never been to that type of water change?

11-09-2007, 06:18 PM
Consider this.... not saying it is so, just offering a thought )

In the UK we recently had an outbreak of mad cow desease ( Spongiform Encephalitis (sp?) ) This involved cattle spinning around in much the manner you describe your Discus doing.

There was much said by government to the effect that this cound not be passed on to other animals or people but it could, and it was.

As a result of this all sale of offal and offal products was banned for a while ( still is ? )

This included beef heart I believe. Could there be a link here ?

I would hate to see a land animal do what my fish is doing. like water you can go in all directions a cow can only do one thing and thats fall down after spinning and getting dizzy.

I would be shocked, and surprised if they where linked.

And yes I could see it being linked through water, everything drinks water or lives in water, water is also in everything.

Vary interesting to hear about this.

11-09-2007, 06:20 PM
Also so far one of them has died from it. now since I see them all doing it except the snakeskin, also paul I just lowered the tempature to 80 like you said and I will try and get the med its going to be hard especially when there are no fish stores near me and I am booked for school.

11-09-2007, 08:55 PM
Well I think the redwhite is going to die now I have been watching him fight for the last 3 hours well I'm doing my home work, and he stoped breathing at one point, now hes swimming all kinds of angles trying to swim.

11-09-2007, 09:16 PM
hears some pics

11-09-2007, 10:28 PM
Consider this.... not saying it is so, just offering a thought )

In the UK we recently had an outbreak of mad cow desease ( Spongiform Encephalitis (sp?) ) This involved cattle spinning around in much the manner you describe your Discus doing.

There was much said by government to the effect that this cound not be passed on to other animals or people but it could, and it was.

As a result of this all sale of offal and offal products was banned for a while ( still is ? )

This included beef heart I believe. Could there be a link here ?

That is an interesting thought. I do not feed live foods or tubifex, but beefheart was on the steady diet list, and only for my Discus. I would consider it unlikely but it does raise a question. I still have each of my fish that died in the freezer. I have not found anyone in the local area to run lab tests on them.

Whatever it was, it had to be something effecting the fishes neurological controls. I cannot describe it as anything else. The spinning was "insane", and violent.

I've been keeping fish for over 20 years and have never seen anything like it.

EDIT: Now that I think about it. My problems started about two weeks after starting on a new batch of frozen beefheart. I consider it an unlikely coincidence, but perhaps something to keep in mind should additional cases appear, although I think the gestation of BSE in cows or humans is in years.

11-10-2007, 10:03 PM
Well after losing 2 discus, seams to me the 25% every hour and then 25% fill back up every hour, and in cress my temp to 90 no one knock on wood has shown the symptoms of cyclonatosis. Its a shame I lost 2 discus in the process but what can you do. its my only 2 deaths in a whole year after learning from mistakes and diseases.