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View Full Version : Tank Lighting?

11-07-2007, 01:15 PM
I have my discus in a 55 gallon tank and still have the same bulbs that came with the hoods and just need to know if it might be too bright for them or??

11-07-2007, 03:27 PM
I have found that Discus will not be happy unless the lighting issue is good meaning no shadows or inconsistent lighting. They will hide and be skittish and might not come out to eat all of the difficulties associated with them.

I find Glass lids or no lid and even lighting really helps them.

11-07-2007, 04:06 PM
Hi bead,
You did not mention what type and watts your lights are. That would be helpful in giving you good advice.

I concur with what "C" had to say.
I provide only enough light to grow my Amazon Sword Plants and to easily see the discus. I use about two watts/gal in the planted tanks.
Discus live quite happily with just the fish room's over head lighting. More than that is always for our pleasure and/or growing aquatic plants.
With some floating plants, to provide some shaded areas, Discus will adjust to strong lighting. That is most commonly used when you want to do a high tech planted tank using CO2 supplementation and fertilizers.

Don Trinko
11-07-2007, 04:26 PM
One easy way to reduce flourecent lights is to cut computer paper the correct size and set it on the glass under the light. I would not do this with incandecent or halagon lights but flourecent lights do not get very hot. Don T.