View Full Version : For you.......

Greg Richardson
11-11-2007, 12:04 AM

Greg Richardson
11-11-2007, 01:25 PM
I find it amazing that Veterans are on this board and no one even posts here to thank them.

Oh I know war is so un PC. Bla, bla, bla.

Have you ever thought about this?
No one likes war! If they did they'd be sick.

How soon this current generation and a lot of the generation before it has forgot how they can choose what church to go to.
What foods to buy.
Clothes to wear.

The list goes on and on because others went before us.

I don't give a rip if people are now offended by reading this.

We got time for everything else now don't we.

I'm sorry Veterans you saw no posts here.

Many do realize the cost.............

11-11-2007, 02:52 PM
I understand your feelings...I really do...:( and I am not offended at all. I can see your frustration and know that you feel strongly about this. Are you a veteren? You've brought this up before but never said if you had served.... If you are than I thank you and all others here and elsewhere that are.:( I just spent the morning making cards with my two kids that are going to be given to veterens.

Your right...Theres never enough priority given to be thankful for what this life brings us., however we come by it.:( Sometimes we just lose track of of simple things like saying thank you.

You are also right
Have you ever thought about this?
No one likes war! If they did they'd be sick. and as I say goodbye to my brother in a few weeks as he is deployed to Iraq...I like the war even less.:( I too don't care if I offend anyone by saying it. I don't like it but that does not mean that I don't appreciate what people like he is doing and what others have done and are doing for their country....nothing could be farther from the truth. I just wish that instead of memorializing veterens with a day our leaders memorialized them in their policies. ...No veteren should ever be homeless, none should ever need quality medical care or need hand outs... That should be a priority, not one day of the year...but every day.:(

but in all fairness... You titled the thread "for you" and its only been viewed 16 times since you posted your two posts here. I have no idea if any of those 16 members where even US citizens...

I don't think anyone meant to ignore our veterens. I just saw this now.. and know that I did not.

Take care,

Greg Richardson
11-11-2007, 03:06 PM
Thanks Al. Yes, frustrated.
No I'm not a veteran. My Dad was.
He came back from two of them.

I spent a lot of time with some Veitnam Vets as a teenager.
Both on disabilty. I listened to the stories. The difference between what we hear in the media and what is reality.
I sat day after day with them and saw the pain.

Our country has so many things going on that is corrupt.
Just plain wrong.

But in the end we are still free.
In the end I know a lot about the cost that was paid in many wars so I can live free. I just want my kids and others to not forget.

A nation that forgets is one that will fall.

11-11-2007, 03:18 PM
My wifes grandfather was in world war 2... in the navy ...Every holiday for years we would listen to his stories..:( My own dad, was a Marine but never saw combat.

and now my brother is in the Army.

Your dad's sacrifices do matter to many Greg, they matter to me.

thank you,

11-11-2007, 05:07 PM
Yes they do matter.
thank god for every one of them.