View Full Version : URGENT: German Shepard may be killed for protecting his mistress

11-11-2007, 11:32 AM
This is urgent. Please please please go to the link below and read the story. Congo may be killed for protecting his mistress, on her own property. Congo bit the man who entered their yard and who first attacked him and the family's other dogs with a rake and then grabbed the woman and dragged her to the ground. A judge has deemed Congo vicious. For protecting his family, Congo may get rewarded by death. I think this judge is demented!!! If it weren't for Congo, what would this man have done to the woman??? Imagine that one of our dogs could be protecting us from harm and then seized and killed for doing his job!

The link goes to Warren Eckstein's (the famous dog guy on the radio) web site, www.thepetshow.com and it requests that an email be sent so that all of the emails can be presented to the Judge who has deemed Congo vicious on Tuesday morning, when court reopens. I've already sent my email speaking out against this outrage, this travesty. The email address to use is given in the story on the site.



11-11-2007, 11:35 AM
Connie, I will check it out when I get home from work, or tomorrow, I promise, woman:) I am off tomorrow!

11-11-2007, 11:47 AM
Sounds like the Dog should get a medal...and I'm not even a dog aficionado. :(


back 2 discus biz
11-11-2007, 12:09 PM
So let me get this right: It seems that all self-defense criteria were met for being within her legal right to shoot and kill this person but since her dog bit him the guilt somehow swings back to the owner (dog)? I'm not getting it but I'm starting to see so much activist judging that, sadly, I'm starting to be not surprised.

I will send an email today.

11-11-2007, 12:20 PM
I emailed...

Just a note.. I'm sure most know this already... but it would probably be a good idea to take a respectful tone with the Judge in your emails..hth,

11-11-2007, 02:29 PM
wow thats a crazy artical, i sent one, the dogs a hero.

11-11-2007, 03:02 PM
Absurd. Life is truely getting silly.

11-11-2007, 03:35 PM
I used to enter into obedience competitions with my doby and I can tell you, training a dog at that level makes you into a close knit team and best friends. I also trained him in home protection and the idea that he would have been put down for putting that training into use (heaven forbid) really pisses me off. It's just rediculous under those circumstances.
My e-mail is sent.


11-11-2007, 05:04 PM
How can that be right in any world?
How on earth does a moron like that get to be in a position of power.... I know, Stupid question.

11-12-2007, 02:52 PM
Did the landscapers at least get nailed with tresspassing, physical assualt of this woman, and cruelty to animals for wacking at the dogs with a metal rake? Sounds like they were totally nuts to start with: going on to private property when you have been directed NOT to, using a metal rake to pound the pets, and for God's sake then jumping and throwing this woman to the ground? Sounds more like they were there to rob her or something......
If this situation happened to me, and on my property, I would ABSOLUTELY hope our dog would defend me...as I would defend him if someone was trying to hurt him.
This is absurd and if this story is actually true, they need a good attorney real quick to derail this.

11-12-2007, 06:36 PM
Did the landscapers at least get nailed with tresspassing, physical assualt of this woman, and cruelty to animals for wacking at the dogs with a metal rake? Sounds like they were totally nuts to start with: going on to private property when you have been directed NOT to, using a metal rake to pound the pets, and for God's sake then jumping and throwing this woman to the ground? Sounds more like they were there to rob her or something......
If this situation happened to me, and on my property, I would ABSOLUTELY hope our dog would defend me...as I would defend him if someone was trying to hurt him.
This is absurd and if this story is actually true, they need a good attorney real quick to derail this.
Hi Harriett. I actually heard it on the radio on Warren Eckstein's show. He's a big pet guru, actually has radio shows in other parts of the USA as well. He got the story from a reputable NJ newspaper, so I'm pretty sure its true. Haven't heard a word about the guys getting charged with anything, poor poor guys, boo hoo. Sounds like they were there to rob the woman, or SOMETHING... (let's see, he threw her to the ground???? Hmmmm). Thank goodness for the dog. After this, I've learned one thing. If my dog ever has to protect me and bites, I will make sure the authorities cannot seize him. In PA where I live, if a dog bites one time, I think regardless of the reason, the state kills them. They would never get my dog to kill him for protecting me, that's for sure.

11-12-2007, 06:46 PM
email sent

if someone hits my dog with a rake

