View Full Version : This must be the fertile season 1st spawn!!!

11-16-2007, 08:47 AM
Hey all, just to let you know I had my first pair get together over the past couple of days and spawn last night on the spongefilter tube. I didn't actually see it happen. I actually went to go feed them and happened to notice the eggs. This is crazy. The (hopefully) mom and dad are really protective of the eggs letting no one cross the halfway point of the 75g tank.

The best part is the pair that got together is not even 1 year old yet. I purchased 12 babies on 2/4/07 and I would have estimated them to be around 2 months old at the time.

As of this morning the eggs were still there with their protectors. The sad part is these babies will never make it most likely due to having no where to put the other fish from the tank. At least this is a first step in the process of trying to breed them. I have the OCA extravaganza this weekend so hopefully I can find some cheap tanks/equipment to setup some 29g tanks in the house.

Right now I am work but if you guys could forward me some info on how to raise the fry that would be great

Thanks again,

Darren's Discus
11-16-2007, 06:09 PM
congrats, how are they going ?


11-18-2007, 06:02 PM
I am sorry to say but the eggs have been eaten. I didn't have any tank space to put them in but I bought a new tank today and is already set up waiting for the water to cycle. Once cycled I will move that pair to that tank,


11-22-2007, 01:43 PM
Well this is twice now that they have laid eggs within one week. I did get to see it this time and it is a male and female. The only problem is they started eating they eggs a couple of hours after they were laid. Both of the parents are eating the eggs so I don't know what to do, please help, thanks!

11-23-2007, 03:40 PM
Since they are such a young pair, it might take them awhile to get the hang of things. Be patient. Put them in their own tank and let nature take its course. They may spawn 10 times before they are successful. I just had a pair like that and they now have 200+ very healthy and active babies.

11-23-2007, 05:10 PM
How long is it usually between spawnings? I thought it would be at minimum 2-4 weeks not 6 days. If that is the case I have another question, if they spawn and it is successful will they stop spawning until those fry are raised?