View Full Version : White Cloudy Water

11-16-2007, 10:08 AM
Hey all,

I have read up and know what causes this, but I am curious what the negative effects on the fish are?

I read this topic already:

Anyone know if this bacteria bloom is bad for the fish?

I have 6 juvies in a 55 gallon, and I know I shouldn't do so many water changes in order to get it to stabalize, but in order to properly grow them I need to change the water? Suggestions?

Anything else I can do in order to get this to stabalize more rapidly?

The fish all seem fine as of now, I have still been doing 30-50% water changes every other day, so the water just hasn't gotten any clearer.

Thanks in advance!

Tropical Haven
11-16-2007, 12:50 PM
The bacteria bloom will not harm your fish at all, it is just an eye sore for a few days and it will go away.

11-19-2007, 12:12 AM
Ok now the water is cloudy green. Now I have read thats an algae bloom. I got all sorts of blooms! sheesh...

Any recommendations for getting rid of this sucker? Large water change? More Bio filtration?

Thanks again!

11-19-2007, 12:36 AM
I would up the WC's and cut back on the light..

11-28-2007, 09:33 AM
I had the same problem in my ciclid tank with an algae bloom.This can be a problem with some fish.The way I got rid of it was water changes every other day for a week and adding algae destroyer from Aquarium pharmaceuticals.This with the water changes got rid of the bloom,but it wont permanetly get rid of the algae by itself.


11-28-2007, 09:58 AM
The bacteria bloom will not harm your fish at all, it is just an eye sore for a few days and it will go away.

I agree ~ never bothered my Discus or my African Cichlids;)