View Full Version : Cleaning City Water?

11-18-2007, 09:01 AM
I have a Discus breeding and raising hoby. 1 72 gallon planted display tank, 1 29 gallon, 2 25 gallon and 1 20 gallon tank.

I am currently using re-constuted RO water for my water changes. The problem I'm having is that when I mix city water in my barrel sometime it turns out less than crystal clear. It has a white-ish fog and the tap water sometimes has a bit of a smell.

I was wondering if others has simalr problems and what kind of ecnomical filter you use.


11-18-2007, 11:19 PM
I wonder if just running the tap water through the carbon block part of your RO unit would clean your water up and make it usable ?? That would be much more efficiant than using RO water. Just a thought.