View Full Version : Wilds in transport

11-26-2007, 03:03 AM
Hello All,

I been reading about Diseases and Gill problems. I am particularly
concerned about this clear membrane hanging out the back of one
gill on a Wild Discus that I bought online. I was reading some posts
and replies from Ardan and Graham and others. After reading them
I am little confused about what I should do. I was reading that this
condition can either be

1. a deformity or a weakness, happens in many fish, doesn't
clear up, and if eating well, and behaving fine then no worries
other than you don't have a perfect fish.

2. I was reading about how to inspect your fish by putting it
on a wet towel and looking behind the gill to see if it has
a brown discoloration, because what you see is a shedding
of mucus, trying to clear whatever is affecting them

3. And the occurence of a parasite or bacterial infection, thus
resorting to meds. And of course large water changes.

4. And then there is the tossing of the fish into the aquarium
from the bag it came in, rather than slowly adding water.
Something to do with ammonia burn.

Well ! Let me say a few things and then hopefully someone can
give me some suggestions on what to do.

First, I didn't do the bag method properly. I slowly added water
to the bag for about 2 hrs. Second this is a Wild Discus. I talked
to the supplier beforehand and he told me he used Discus buffer
in his tanks to lower the ph. My ph is 7.4 - 7.6 tap water. But
I have been doing water changes with R/O water.

One more thing, I have noticed that there is now an ulcer or burn on
the body at the lower end of the gill, doesn't look good!

Any advice on this matter would help!


11-26-2007, 06:28 AM
Hi Jeff,
How long have you had the Fish?
Is the breathing labored or normal.
Can you post somepics of both sides of the fish and gills?
